Dear royo-bloggers, analyze Today:
and nearer Beyond Feminism: the war between the sexes in the Age of CapitalismThe original idea this blog was to be commenting on articles of
Simón Royo as they were appearing on the network, at his heels. However, the suggestion of "Hector " us seemed very good, so that we will examine some older items while we await the latest.
The truth is that there is much to choose from but "The poet Sappho (Alma Tadema)
is an article that hangs in a section of the UNED called Sappho deceptively devoted to postmodern feminism-or any other line. Our readers already know that the poet of Mytilene is among the most venerable houses in the old (even Latin Catullus reversal so celebrated some of his poems) but has also gone down in history for being the inspiration for the term "lesbianism . " Already have recochineo not have enough to torment Western women, straight or gay-this which, above, are devoted to "deconstruct" the classical canon.
We say this because
, the great liberal postmodern supermolón
- he spends half of this article malicious ranting against lesbians, feminists phallocentric and councils of several witches. If you do not understand anything do not worry we started from scratch. This article is one of the best reasons for wasting our time writing here: this is a disgrace for men, an affront to women and a blush for UNED ... Here we go!
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is "beyond and this side of Feminism"
1. Working, feminism and gender imaginary: Don Juan and the Femme Fatale .. 2. Why a change in the imaginary is not sufficient to cause a change in the social relations of production. 3. The joke of marital horror 4. In the area of \u200b\u200bgood Eros: when love triumphs over death instinct.
Seraphic ", eh? This index could be expected but an enjoyable read, just browse the first page, this Stephen King's philosophy of "post" overwhelms us as the Butcher of Milwaukee. Nothing more or less denies the reality of women's oppression based on sex. In other words, the misogyny-like anti-Semitism simply does not exist:
(p. 1) On dominance relations can affect the sexual condition so high but there is nothing more egalitarian, in the worst sense of that word, that the operation in general, mainly on economic, wandering feminism to focus on sexual difference the origin of the submission of another.
To understand it. Men have nothing to do with sexism and the oppression of women is entirely due to the degenerate capitalist system and bourgeois women. In this manner explains Simon
bourgeois emancipatory not understand that while they have an immigrant maid at home doing housework, their counterparts in classes workers can not afford to scream at the husband who comes home from work on a scaffold for 12 hours for a wage garbage, saying that it is subject, humiliated, dominated and battered to entrust all the housework. The hard worker who arrives after an exhausting day and a couple of liters of alcohol after her to forget the holding that is subject, if you come home and his wife yells hysterically because he has seen on television that men are the rule phallocratic; most likely throw it out the window. Crude explanation of the causes of domestic violence
(p.2) Today some champions of feminism
This portentous paragraph reveals that: The proletarian woman is a fool who spends his days watching TV
proletarian and the bourgeois are a blatant female irritating
Both women
She moves through mimicry: does and says what he sees on TV
proletarian man is an alcoholic
- proletarian man is a mindless fanatic who is not able to maintain a conversation with His wife and peacefully settle their differences with her, with the only systematic response the brutal murder of his companion
- proletarian man no trial and willingly.
- So the recipe for combating domestic violence-in a country like Spain where more die seventy women per year for this scourge, would be:
- promote unemployment among workers to avoid earning a salary and buy a TV.
Voice of Virginia Woolf
The great Virginia Woolf
raised in this book the capabilities and plight of women in the field of literature ... Surely another bourgeois Simón Royo unbearable then
(pp. 2-3) The biology from morphological difference between men and women, the different conformation of their bodies , is undeniable. But the major determinant of their self as such do not reside in the differential base body but in the perception psychological and cultural, in what we call the imaginary. Thus, cases lesbianism and homosexuality or transsexualism more radical occur because of the psychological perception that one has one's own body and the imaginary hybridized he could take part in the socio-cultural sexual identity . A man can feel like a woman to the point of subjecting his body to the surgery required for access to his ego ideal and vice versa, a woman with a constructive surgery less efficient than the previous one, to procure a male member and join the club phallic.
(p. 4) Jolgorio
that kind of mannish lesbians and resentful female with eagerness
universal castration, short hair, rage, rampant misandry (7) or androfobia unleashed. Finally they are already men, as Margaret Thathcher or Oriana Fallaci, welcome to the desert of the real. *** Ginecentrismo response to phallocentrism. fun of gays with money who want to have right to marry, to have shares traded, to be masters and not slaves instead of abolishing slavery. Today it seems that those who feel heterosexual man and have to apologize for having such sexual identity, associated with violence, rudeness, and domination. emancipatory radical feminist movement has achieved such a prodigy, exacerbating violence which condemns both , when not asking for input on this assumption of power in the world to move from exploiters and exploited, thus achieving the desired equality. We want to be capitalists! We have the right to exploit, dominate, to subdue, to use violence! We want to be the same! ... So I welcome and enjoy! Increases and the world of pigs / as, welcome to the desert of the real.
A Simón Royo upset that people of color, women and homosexuals reach prestigious positions in society and a low visibility in the press, political or media. Breaking the barriers of exclusion, of ignorance, poverty and suffering you are intolerable because:
(p. 13)
A millionaire black man like Eddy Murphy, not a man of color but by magically becomes a respectable citizen and is taken by white or bleached, as Michael Jackson, who already looks like a middle-aged white woman. In Latin America among the wealthy classes the word "Indian" is an insult, people physiologically identical to the poor they call "filthy Indians" to those who simply have no money.
not a wealthy woman is dominated by the macho men but consider it "one of us" as a man . The gay community
Women who have contributed to the improvement of democracy and civil rights. Carefully read this paragraph of gold because
emphasizes the inherent dislike of women Western screaming these nasty nagging
Simon, of course. Internists who has eminent doctors in hospitals or a gay television magazine drives a direct impact on poverty around the world. Could it be, Simon, that your purpose in this world is tied to the eternal perpetuation of poverty? Is not it true that you only feel comfortable when a woman is silly or the proletariat does not participate profitably in the public education system, "school slave " according to your words? If not for those poor humiliated and offended the world could not deploy your sacred ministry of "progressive cool. Without them, without the underdogs of the world, you could not revel in your bourgeois paternalism son who gives up everything to save the world, to redeem ... soufflés postmodern Redemption plagued with misspellings and those that employ the suffering of homeless as a mere alibi? Thus, Simon
changes the world. Say yes ... Not satisfied with this jumble of nonsense, Simón Royo
Simon warns us that we delegitimized to worry about the fate of millions of women submitted by theocratic regimes. Air Gather:
(p. 15) [...] added that psychological violence cases are of a much larger and more exercised by women than by men
. In any neighboring courtyard of one of our cities can hear the abuse continuous and mutual, not only physical aggression, verbal aggression, which many couples live and support many children. The capitalist society we live pressure on individuals, both women and men who pay load of frustration with the couple, which makes and then tell them that they are fully responsible for their behavior and require some form of action which in fact are repressed part on the work and facing the head but can no longer be suppressed in the field of privacy.
Despite all Westerners still feel entitled to criticize the treatment given to women in other regions of the world and within other cultures, predominantly those of denominational Islamic , given the current crusade against the Empire's new Satan, through which you see very clearly the speck in your neighbor's eye but can see the beam in your own.
culmination Menudo! From now on we do not care more for the ablation
of millions of girls worldwide, of stoning or gang rapes perpetrated by
tribal courts
(p. 1) *** Do is the work could be a sexual function?
- (p. 12) *** enlightened state's claim to the whole world "citizen" abstracting all the differences progress has only diminished when citizens do not illustrate a coincidence to be overwhelmingly male, white, Anglo-Saxons and not women, black and African.
- (pp. 4, 15) does not say *** ginecentrismo but ginocentrismo
Of course, there's more:
- (pp. 7, 19) à
- "and the more we want ..."
- "that against most talked about ...." By God! *** against more is totally wrong, you should say the more or the less NOTE: That this Christmas alguien haga una colecta y le regale a Simonete el DICCIONARIO PANHISPÁNICO DE DUDAS de la Real Academia. ¡Pobre lengua española!
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