QALY:" The most important thing is to create confidence in the reader "History of the blog
He said in order to explain the fundamental aspects that must be taken into account when writing for a publisher. He also stressed the concepts of hypertext and interactivity with the reader. Soledad
QALY journalist said that the primary role to be fulfilled by a publisher is to build trust with the reader. He did it in a workshop organized by the University Belgrano for journalism students second year on 15 May. "Being on the Internet looking at all times be the first to get the scoop, because people ask that, you run the risk of publishing information that is not real. So you should always check the information, "he argued. Avacado began working on in 2000 by a internship Belgrano University, where she received her degree in Journalism. Publisher said this was the first to exist in Argentina, in late 1995, and had several redesigns that have until now. In plain language, illustrated Avacado saying that "working in the middle between about 30 professionals spread over three shifts (morning, afternoon and evening), and two people stay overnight. This is specifically for those living in other parts of the world and can find the site updated. "
Asked one of the students on what is the difference between writing in a digital environment in a graphical way, the communicator replied: "In the digital newspaper add extra seasoning on paper can not. The two highlights of an online media is interactivity with the reader and the fusion of graphics, radio and television in the same group. "However, said he did not believe the printed newspaper will disappear, but that in future the two newsrooms will work together.
On the issue of interactivity with the reader, developed: "In an online environment is achieved by constant feedback with the reader, and through forums, polls, chats and blogs , readers will find their space. This is one of the tools that is used in a digital diary, since it is an instantaneous thing: the reader reads the note and if you liked it or not, leave a comment. "Moreover, added that the concept of hypertext is essential for the Internet.
While several videos were broadcast on some contents Special LaNacion made by the journalist said: "When we started to enter multimedia content , especially videos, we were quite long. Then we realized that online readers do not see them finished. The same applies to the notes: When you write a note to the newspaper, for example, 5,000 characters, for a publisher is advisable to simplify to 1,500 because people do not finish reading because they prefer a short and precise reading about the facts. "
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