The meaning of the Sick
The colors reflect states of mind, feelings, dreams and ways of being. At the time of choosing a color, few people are asking about the meanings and effects have caused. The truth is that every color has its own history and symbolism. For example, in the Christian tradition, the blue represents the Virgin Mary, stands for purity and virginity. In ancient symbolism, blue portrays the spiritual knowledge. The colors reflect moods, feelings, dreams and ways of being.
When choosing a color, few people are asking about the meanings it has and the effects it causes. The truth is that every color has its own history and symbolism. For example, in the tradition Christian blue represents the Virgin Mary, synonymous with purity and virginity. In ancient symbolism, blue portrays the spiritual knowledge.
Blue can express trust, reserve, spirituality, order, harmony, affection, friendship, loyalty and love. When I chose this color for my blog, I did not think about all this, and the time to investigate about it I was amazed. It is the individual who chooses this color is a person who has an extensive ability to communicate and have high ideals. Is someone who likes the openness and sincerity. So much so that their motto might even be defined as "the truth has always ahead, although in some circumstances this feature can go so far as to hurt someone. It is a diplomatic subject, very funny and is always looking for work. It is also a man who enjoys all types of projects starting, as it has a great strength of spirit and mind is usually very open to discussion and reflection.
is the main color of the intellectual qualities: intelligence, science and concentration. On the other hand, the blue reduces tension and stress symptoms, combating headache and insomnia.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pennsylvania Home Sales Agreement
blue body
He got up at four o'clock. Out into the hallway of his home in the dark and headed for the refrigerator. Groping his two bananas looking to start their routine. While eating, I remembered the words of his nutritionist: "at night, the body goes into a total destructive metabolism of proteins." Back to bed, but not by much, and jumped eight mattress. This time, he and his body is preparing to eat a bowl of cereal with milk along with a squeezed juice and two slices of black bread integral. All topped, of course, with three or four egg whites. Hence, to the gym for an hour and a half years, but not before eating a cheese sandwich.
At 11, he prepared a plate of ravioli with olive oil. A couple of hours later, two steak and salad lunch. Before 3 pm, returning to train for another hour and a half. At tea time, tea time with: it was served a pint of milk in a blender and, between sips, biting a piece of banana. Later, at 19:30, took a soup of rice with two eggs. Then, the last rush at the gym until he completes his daily training routine. Exhausted, he came home hungry and thirsty: a chicken breast dinner with salad, drank water and put the watch at four in the morning. David Fernandez lived
So (34) while preparing to compete in the bodybuilding world, his dream since he started at age 21 going to the gym. In this bastion of free weights and machines, spent four to five hours every day, except Sundays. Conducted three one-hour daily workouts and a half. However, more and sacrifice could not resist. Three years ago took off the competition and decided to open his own gym in the neighborhood of Martinez. Now he trains, yes, but not crazy. Would rather make your exercise routine to their customers. For him, vigorexia is not a disease. He argues that those who speak out against the culture of the body, they do so envy. "I would like to ask all those people criticizing bodybuilders if they would like to have a body like that when are on the beach, "he adds.
But what is the vigorexia? The vigorexia is a disorder where people engage in sports on an ongoing basis with a high fanaticism, to the point of constantly testing your body no matter the consequences. There are some who are just looking vigoréxicos perfect figure influenced by current models proposed by the consumer society. Other, athletes, want to be the best in their discipline demanding the most of your body to reach its goal. The sports exercise addicts regardless of weather conditions, or if you feel any discomfort or ill, about to get angry and feel guilty when they can not do it successfully or someone criticizes such activity.
Generally, these people have low self-esteem and very difficult to integrate into their usual social activities. They are rejected or withdrawn and have trouble accepting their body image. His obsession with the body shares many features with anorexia in women.
When a person practices a sport to strenuous, the body begins to produce a substance called endorphins, which relieve symptoms of fatigue. This allows the body to continue to work longer. Endorphins are a group of hormones produced by the body itself as a defense mechanism against various stimuli. As time passes, it requires an increasing amount to bear the pain, which leads to serious consequences. All this leads to the development of a true addiction to the endorphins.
The main consequences that brings vigorexia are numerous physical problems and injuries that occur when the sport is over. Moreover, the disproportion between the body parts are very common, for example, a voluminous body relating to the size of the head. Overload in the gym weight adversely affects the bones, tendons, muscles and joints, causing chronic tears and sprains. Diet is another very common and important problem, as they consume lots of protein and carbohydrates and too little of fat in an attempt to promote an increase in muscle mass. This will cause terrible metabolic disorders. Finally, the use of anabolic steroids is also associated with the vigorexia, for the intent of the person to improve their physical performance and increase the volume of your muscles. Nestor
Street Athletic Club deportólogo Platense, anabolic defines as "substances used to develop fully the use of proteins in the body, a core component for the growth of muscles, bones and skin. They improve muscle mass and body size from the aesthetic point of view, not of the sport. "
Hernández began using anabolic eight years ago to "have a high physical performance and muscle growth important," he says. He adds: "Competing in bodybuilding today is very difficult without using these drugs, because it takes a very large amount of testosterone that the body does not have." Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the testis that determines the appearance and maintenance of physical and psychological traits characteristic of males. According
Street, 90% of boys who use anabolic not consulted one doctor. Simply rely on the popular reference that these substances improve the physical condition of a person. We report on the subject over the Internet, where sites are underground, they explain how, why care should take and how much can be taken. "This is very dangerous, because the Web get a bunch of people claiming to be body builder and there is no idea or pharmacology. That is, does not possess the ability to recommend someone or cycle plan that will be useful, "says Hernandez.
reference to the effects that the use of anabolic steroids, the deportólogo was clear: "Their use in a controlled manner and not excessive, does not cause any kind of aggression or disorder. Used sprees can lead to disruption of the proteins in a not very pleasant. " And he insists: "The excessive consumption of these substances has a lot to do with the social status of a person. In a family where there is a constant dialogue, surely the teenager did not take anabolic without consulting with a doctor who will guide you if you are unable or unwilling to consume, and it will recommend a given cycle. In contrast, in a lower social status is very difficult to target adolescents, since it has a more precarious training and contact with parents is nil. "
These substances are used by consuming a dose which varies according to physical activity that you develop. A bodybuilder takes 20 to 80 milligrams per day, dividing the dose throughout the day. The consumer can not take all of the full dose in one shot because it can have adverse consequences. "A client of mine, an adult of 38 years who used anabolic quite some time, little by little began to exceed the plan. Furthermore, taking the full daily dose just before the exercises. Anabolic I ate the bowel wall and had five cracks bowel. He was hospitalized for a month now and can not train anymore in his life, "says Hernández. Street
clarifies that "counter to what is said, anabolics are not addictive. However, as with any medication you take, you can not stop using them immediately, but it is left with cycles in the amount of effects it causes. If the person taking a drug and does not respect these cycles can produce damage to muscle mass, a kind of withdrawal, impaired heart and feel with depressive disorders. A anabolic must be stopped gradually. "
Anabolic may eventually cause death because you have to keep in mind that not everyone can consume. Those who suffer from diabetes or have heart problems are completely forbidden to consume. Also, many times are usually mixed with corticosteroids (steroids), which are another class of anabolic hormone synthesizing, and energy components. "All combined with some type of drug is never positive, since it can cause heart disease, depression and anxiety," says Street.
In general, anabolic used by people who do body building, and also for adolescents confused with energizing substances, which are two totally different things. "Most kids are in danger, because many times the consumption of anabolic is the next step to the use of other drugs higher, "says the deportólogo. David Hernandez performs
regular medical studies to control the harmful effects of these substances. "While studies continue to give me good, I'll keep using anabolic steroids. Anyway, is that after 40, things began to unravel, and that man is more likely to have prostate cancer and anabolic stimulate it, "he says. However, the paradise of the body has a little hell. After eight years of consumption, had serious implications for the use of these drugs. Have very high level of libido, testicular problems, from premature and aggressiveness, are part of the side affects typical consumer of these drugs. Hernández
looks up. Rolls up his shirt. The metallic clink of weights seems to call it. Decides to terminate the interview leave with a very strong handshake. It turns around, takes the weight and lift 100 kilos as if it were a feather. "One," he says and spits out through your mouth. "Two", and repeat the sequence ... "Trees." "Cuuaatro." "Ciinncoo." "Seeiiiss. "Siieeteee" ...
He got up at four o'clock. Out into the hallway of his home in the dark and headed for the refrigerator. Groping his two bananas looking to start their routine. While eating, I remembered the words of his nutritionist: "at night, the body goes into a total destructive metabolism of proteins." Back to bed, but not by much, and jumped eight mattress. This time, he and his body is preparing to eat a bowl of cereal with milk along with a squeezed juice and two slices of black bread integral. All topped, of course, with three or four egg whites. Hence, to the gym for an hour and a half years, but not before eating a cheese sandwich.
At 11, he prepared a plate of ravioli with olive oil. A couple of hours later, two steak and salad lunch. Before 3 pm, returning to train for another hour and a half. At tea time, tea time with: it was served a pint of milk in a blender and, between sips, biting a piece of banana. Later, at 19:30, took a soup of rice with two eggs. Then, the last rush at the gym until he completes his daily training routine. Exhausted, he came home hungry and thirsty: a chicken breast dinner with salad, drank water and put the watch at four in the morning. David Fernandez lived
So (34) while preparing to compete in the bodybuilding world, his dream since he started at age 21 going to the gym. In this bastion of free weights and machines, spent four to five hours every day, except Sundays. Conducted three one-hour daily workouts and a half. However, more and sacrifice could not resist. Three years ago took off the competition and decided to open his own gym in the neighborhood of Martinez. Now he trains, yes, but not crazy. Would rather make your exercise routine to their customers. For him, vigorexia is not a disease. He argues that those who speak out against the culture of the body, they do so envy. "I would like to ask all those people criticizing bodybuilders if they would like to have a body like that when are on the beach, "he adds.
But what is the vigorexia? The vigorexia is a disorder where people engage in sports on an ongoing basis with a high fanaticism, to the point of constantly testing your body no matter the consequences. There are some who are just looking vigoréxicos perfect figure influenced by current models proposed by the consumer society. Other, athletes, want to be the best in their discipline demanding the most of your body to reach its goal. The sports exercise addicts regardless of weather conditions, or if you feel any discomfort or ill, about to get angry and feel guilty when they can not do it successfully or someone criticizes such activity.
Generally, these people have low self-esteem and very difficult to integrate into their usual social activities. They are rejected or withdrawn and have trouble accepting their body image. His obsession with the body shares many features with anorexia in women.
When a person practices a sport to strenuous, the body begins to produce a substance called endorphins, which relieve symptoms of fatigue. This allows the body to continue to work longer. Endorphins are a group of hormones produced by the body itself as a defense mechanism against various stimuli. As time passes, it requires an increasing amount to bear the pain, which leads to serious consequences. All this leads to the development of a true addiction to the endorphins.
The main consequences that brings vigorexia are numerous physical problems and injuries that occur when the sport is over. Moreover, the disproportion between the body parts are very common, for example, a voluminous body relating to the size of the head. Overload in the gym weight adversely affects the bones, tendons, muscles and joints, causing chronic tears and sprains. Diet is another very common and important problem, as they consume lots of protein and carbohydrates and too little of fat in an attempt to promote an increase in muscle mass. This will cause terrible metabolic disorders. Finally, the use of anabolic steroids is also associated with the vigorexia, for the intent of the person to improve their physical performance and increase the volume of your muscles. Nestor
Street Athletic Club deportólogo Platense, anabolic defines as "substances used to develop fully the use of proteins in the body, a core component for the growth of muscles, bones and skin. They improve muscle mass and body size from the aesthetic point of view, not of the sport. "
Hernández began using anabolic eight years ago to "have a high physical performance and muscle growth important," he says. He adds: "Competing in bodybuilding today is very difficult without using these drugs, because it takes a very large amount of testosterone that the body does not have." Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the testis that determines the appearance and maintenance of physical and psychological traits characteristic of males. According
Street, 90% of boys who use anabolic not consulted one doctor. Simply rely on the popular reference that these substances improve the physical condition of a person. We report on the subject over the Internet, where sites are underground, they explain how, why care should take and how much can be taken. "This is very dangerous, because the Web get a bunch of people claiming to be body builder and there is no idea or pharmacology. That is, does not possess the ability to recommend someone or cycle plan that will be useful, "says Hernandez.
reference to the effects that the use of anabolic steroids, the deportólogo was clear: "Their use in a controlled manner and not excessive, does not cause any kind of aggression or disorder. Used sprees can lead to disruption of the proteins in a not very pleasant. " And he insists: "The excessive consumption of these substances has a lot to do with the social status of a person. In a family where there is a constant dialogue, surely the teenager did not take anabolic without consulting with a doctor who will guide you if you are unable or unwilling to consume, and it will recommend a given cycle. In contrast, in a lower social status is very difficult to target adolescents, since it has a more precarious training and contact with parents is nil. "
These substances are used by consuming a dose which varies according to physical activity that you develop. A bodybuilder takes 20 to 80 milligrams per day, dividing the dose throughout the day. The consumer can not take all of the full dose in one shot because it can have adverse consequences. "A client of mine, an adult of 38 years who used anabolic quite some time, little by little began to exceed the plan. Furthermore, taking the full daily dose just before the exercises. Anabolic I ate the bowel wall and had five cracks bowel. He was hospitalized for a month now and can not train anymore in his life, "says Hernández. Street
clarifies that "counter to what is said, anabolics are not addictive. However, as with any medication you take, you can not stop using them immediately, but it is left with cycles in the amount of effects it causes. If the person taking a drug and does not respect these cycles can produce damage to muscle mass, a kind of withdrawal, impaired heart and feel with depressive disorders. A anabolic must be stopped gradually. "
Anabolic may eventually cause death because you have to keep in mind that not everyone can consume. Those who suffer from diabetes or have heart problems are completely forbidden to consume. Also, many times are usually mixed with corticosteroids (steroids), which are another class of anabolic hormone synthesizing, and energy components. "All combined with some type of drug is never positive, since it can cause heart disease, depression and anxiety," says Street.
In general, anabolic used by people who do body building, and also for adolescents confused with energizing substances, which are two totally different things. "Most kids are in danger, because many times the consumption of anabolic is the next step to the use of other drugs higher, "says the deportólogo. David Hernandez performs
regular medical studies to control the harmful effects of these substances. "While studies continue to give me good, I'll keep using anabolic steroids. Anyway, is that after 40, things began to unravel, and that man is more likely to have prostate cancer and anabolic stimulate it, "he says. However, the paradise of the body has a little hell. After eight years of consumption, had serious implications for the use of these drugs. Have very high level of libido, testicular problems, from premature and aggressiveness, are part of the side affects typical consumer of these drugs. Hernández
looks up. Rolls up his shirt. The metallic clink of weights seems to call it. Decides to terminate the interview leave with a very strong handshake. It turns around, takes the weight and lift 100 kilos as if it were a feather. "One," he says and spits out through your mouth. "Two", and repeat the sequence ... "Trees." "Cuuaatro." "Ciinncoo." "Seeiiiss. "Siieeteee" ...
Friday, July 11, 2008
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A hand against the world, in Argentina rugby remains an amateur. "Capricho dirigencial or lack of resources to generate capital? "The exodus is the only way out?
Rugby has unique characteristics that distinguish it from other sports. You get a strong camaraderie between the players of the same club, and played with great grit and love for the shirt. The passion for rugby is also because there are many clubs with tradition and practice this sport seriously and continuously. Moreover, the tournaments have a high degree of competition and an excellent level. Leonardo
Lowry is 29 years and plays club rugby for Gimnasia y Esgrima de Buenos Aires (GEBA) from the four. He started practicing the sport at the initiative of his brothers who, by then, and played in the club. The Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, leaving the producer " Dali and goes directly to train alongside their peers. "The workouts are tough - he said - and you have to go under all circumstances but rain or two degrees below zero. It's a huge sacrifice and we must always be. "
The positive aspects of rugby are friendship and bonding that is generated with colleagues with shared every moment. Those who play are big fans of the sport. For this reason, rugbiers overlooks other issues. Lowry explained that several of his colleagues to abandon their studies or their jobs to have more time to train.
In other amateur sports is not so much passion and dedication of time as is the case with rugby. "It must be because the school had all the players in the clubs, where they are inculcated respect for the opponent, and how they teach you that here you have friends who are playing for the jersey. If one is not sacrificed for the other, it will not get anything, "he said.
Marticorena Maximilian's life always revolved around rugby, a sport he played for over 25 years. However, he had to leave to grow in their work. He was the physiotherapist Los Pumas during the World Cup that was held last year in France and is also the physical therapist selected from Buenos Aires since 2003 and Newman club three years ago. He also worked in the field of football since he was the physiotherapist Club Atlético Nueva Chicago for three seasons. Said that rugby is much more training and more united than football. "A lot of friendship, you can start playing from 5 years and then to 30 still has the same partners. That does not happen in football. A player begins his career in Platense. Next season is transferred to River and after a while he went to Europe. The same team can last at most, one or two years, but not "he said.
The foreign rugby players always when faced with Argentine team are impressed by the claw with the Pumas. It happened to John Barclay, the third line of Scotland, who said that "here in Argentina played with extreme passion." In this statement, Andrew "Perica" \u200b\u200bCourreges, added: "The Argentinians have a total delivery physically and mentally . Does not hurt to not play. Quite the contrary: he is injured and wants to play well. There are several that play throughout the tournament with injured cruciate ligaments. Continually are mortgaging their physique, which in future will cause many problems. I have former teammates of rugby we now have terrible problems in the knees, shoulders or back. "
Courreges played on campus top CASI for over 20 years and was Hooch" Los Pumas "from 1979 to 1988 . Is currently engaged in exporting players to the European community. "It started with phone calls from former players selected in France and then became coaches or managers of a club and told me I needed for this player, this one," he added.
"Perica" \u200b\u200bsaid that more and more young people will play in Europe. However, the former Cougar said the Argentine rugby is far more professional, because "it is very different from all the rugby world." "Here the pyramid is formed by the clubs and if Union Argentina de Rugby (UAR) makes this professional sport is in deteriorating conditions. Furthermore, it is very difficult because there is money to support all clubs. In the leagues of England and France increasingly small clubs cease to participate, due to the good player then began his stage individualistic and not collective. Argentine clubs have more players than a professional institution. Then, professionalism up a superlative level of the tip of the pyramid, but decreases the platform. The destruction of the platform in jeopardy many clubs, "he said. Bernard himself Lapasset, president of the International Rugby Board (IRB), on his last visit to the country, was surprised by the infrastructure of the Argentine clubs.
"There is much physical difference between a professional and an amateur rugby. A local tournament player trains between 250 and 300 hours per year. Instead, a professional gambler, between 1200 and 1400 hours a year. An amateur work, study and have to take care of other things while professional preocparse all you need is to train and play. Also, get home, auto, travel and awards. Here, the players train, after a long workday from 21:30 to 12 pm, depending on the club, "said Courreges.
Lowry believes that in future only an elite group will be dedicated to professionalism, because otherwise "the Argentine rugby disappear." "But not the bases. Including the IRB's interest that the UAR maintain this structure because they see that gives good results, "he said. Rugby GEBA
The raised playing an amateur and was able to enjoy it a lot. "I dedicate the professionalism because I'm not interested in going to another club and play with other people. Out there, if I had 10 years younger I would have loved to live rugby and I had broken my soul trained, dedicated all my spare time, "she explained. Along the same lines, said that "if a player is professional, trained in the morning every day and have the afternoon off to be home. However, there lives nothing cute rugby, it is precisely this sacrifice which is done through play. "
Lowry has friends who were able to go play in Italy and Spain. Every time I talk to them tell you are dying to return to the club. And they're living rugby was always a dream for them. "That's because it is not playing for the jersey for the money. And I hope that in future the most guys do not point only to play for the professional, if not do it for love of the sport, which is the best that exists, "he said.
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