Friday, July 11, 2008

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A hand against the world, in Argentina rugby remains an amateur. "Capricho dirigencial or lack of resources to generate capital? "The exodus is the only way out?

Rugby has unique characteristics that distinguish it from other sports. You get a strong camaraderie between the players of the same club, and played with great grit and love for the shirt. The passion for rugby is also because there are many clubs with tradition and practice this sport seriously and continuously. Moreover, the tournaments have a high degree of competition and an excellent level. Leonardo
Lowry is 29 years and plays club rugby for Gimnasia y Esgrima de Buenos Aires (GEBA) from the four. He started practicing the sport at the initiative of his brothers who, by then, and played in the club. The Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, leaving the producer " Dali and goes directly to train alongside their peers. "The workouts are tough - he said - and you have to go under all circumstances but rain or two degrees below zero. It's a huge sacrifice and we must always be. "
The positive aspects of rugby are friendship and bonding that is generated with colleagues with shared every moment. Those who play are big fans of the sport. For this reason, rugbiers overlooks other issues. Lowry explained that several of his colleagues to abandon their studies or their jobs to have more time to train.
In other amateur sports is not so much passion and dedication of time as is the case with rugby. "It must be because the school had all the players in the clubs, where they are inculcated respect for the opponent, and how they teach you that here you have friends who are playing for the jersey. If one is not sacrificed for the other, it will not get anything, "he said.
Marticorena Maximilian's life always revolved around rugby, a sport he played for over 25 years. However, he had to leave to grow in their work. He was the physiotherapist Los Pumas during the World Cup that was held last year in France and is also the physical therapist selected from Buenos Aires since 2003 and Newman club three years ago. He also worked in the field of football since he was the physiotherapist Club Atlético Nueva Chicago for three seasons. Said that rugby is much more training and more united than football. "A lot of friendship, you can start playing from 5 years and then to 30 still has the same partners. That does not happen in football. A player begins his career in Platense. Next season is transferred to River and after a while he went to Europe. The same team can last at most, one or two years, but not "he said.
The foreign rugby players always when faced with Argentine team are impressed by the claw with the Pumas. It happened to John Barclay, the third line of Scotland, who said that "here in Argentina played with extreme passion." In this statement, Andrew "Perica" \u200b\u200bCourreges, added: "The Argentinians have a total delivery physically and mentally . Does not hurt to not play. Quite the contrary: he is injured and wants to play well. There are several that play throughout the tournament with injured cruciate ligaments. Continually are mortgaging their physique, which in future will cause many problems. I have former teammates of rugby we now have terrible problems in the knees, shoulders or back. "
Courreges played on campus top CASI for over 20 years and was Hooch" Los Pumas "from 1979 to 1988 . Is currently engaged in exporting players to the European community. "It started with phone calls from former players selected in France and then became coaches or managers of a club and told me I needed for this player, this one," he added.
"Perica" \u200b\u200bsaid that more and more young people will play in Europe. However, the former Cougar said the Argentine rugby is far more professional, because "it is very different from all the rugby world." "Here the pyramid is formed by the clubs and if Union Argentina de Rugby (UAR) makes this professional sport is in deteriorating conditions. Furthermore, it is very difficult because there is money to support all clubs. In the leagues of England and France increasingly small clubs cease to participate, due to the good player then began his stage individualistic and not collective. Argentine clubs have more players than a professional institution. Then, professionalism up a superlative level of the tip of the pyramid, but decreases the platform. The destruction of the platform in jeopardy many clubs, "he said. Bernard himself Lapasset, president of the International Rugby Board (IRB), on his last visit to the country, was surprised by the infrastructure of the Argentine clubs.
"There is much physical difference between a professional and an amateur rugby. A local tournament player trains between 250 and 300 hours per year. Instead, a professional gambler, between 1200 and 1400 hours a year. An amateur work, study and have to take care of other things while professional preocparse all you need is to train and play. Also, get home, auto, travel and awards. Here, the players train, after a long workday from 21:30 to 12 pm, depending on the club, "said Courreges.
Lowry believes that in future only an elite group will be dedicated to professionalism, because otherwise "the Argentine rugby disappear." "But not the bases. Including the IRB's interest that the UAR maintain this structure because they see that gives good results, "he said. Rugby GEBA
The raised playing an amateur and was able to enjoy it a lot. "I dedicate the professionalism because I'm not interested in going to another club and play with other people. Out there, if I had 10 years younger I would have loved to live rugby and I had broken my soul trained, dedicated all my spare time, "she explained. Along the same lines, said that "if a player is professional, trained in the morning every day and have the afternoon off to be home. However, there lives nothing cute rugby, it is precisely this sacrifice which is done through play. "
Lowry has friends who were able to go play in Italy and Spain. Every time I talk to them tell you are dying to return to the club. And they're living rugby was always a dream for them. "That's because it is not playing for the jersey for the money. And I hope that in future the most guys do not point only to play for the professional, if not do it for love of the sport, which is the best that exists, "he said.


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