- voice Impropriety
- Semitism (Posted on 10/21/2006 for Rebelión)
- First we want the readers must understand that
- . We talked at length in other posts about it (
see here). Maybe it's his family background which explains why the fascism that Simón Royo izquierdoide so ardently preaches.
This time Simón Royo dares to publish this reflection on the concept "anti-Semitism" which, based on the etymology of it, deemed inappropriate. This is your main mistake being lost and wandering in barren when in fact philological should seek the historical context in which that term was coined. As he usually does, this time Simón Royo is believed judicious historian and expert in Semitic languages. But as is the method of postmodernillo Smarty, put the bucket to the bottom.
Simon opens his article with a furious attack against all those who accept the legality of the state of Israel to which labels, without more,
"Zionists" . It also takes the opportunity to disqualify any Nobel prize as a Hungarian writer Imre Kertész , given his Jewishness and to analyze anti-Semitism preached by a certain sector of the left. Naturally, Simon
Royo the terrible experiences of Kertész
recently in Iran. That is, Imre Kertész for being a Jew who has lived in flesh paths deportations Auschwitz and Buchenwald is unauthorized to write about Israel (¡¿?!) and, instead, Simón Royo -a mindundis filonazi son of a member of the Blue Division
- yes that's all an entity with strong moral right to lecture us. What are you looking Simón Royo with this pamphlet? On the one hand, of course, attack the state of Israel, those who defend the legality of the UN-established, "and civil and Western democratic values. On the other, shake off the stigma of "anti-Semitic." So this writing. Royo Simon knows that is a deep anti-Semitic in the same degree that it is a pro-Islamist radical. To Simón Royo that Iran has a number of women imprisoned for adultery awaiting death by stoning, "that hang homosexuals, that persecute intellectuals and restricting Internet content and bandwidth, is legitimate because Ahmadinejad is against the U.S.. Neither makes the slightest allusion to the dozens of conflicts over Islamic fundamentalism (the 400,000 dead in Sudan, the struggles in Algeria, massacres of Christians in Nigeria, the 35,000 dead in Ethiopia and many other hundreds in Malaysia, Timor, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc ...). There is no doubt that Simon Royo seeks to divert our attention with this neat rattle on the misuse of the term "anti-Semitism." Thus, in discussing on the alleged impropriety of the term, devoid of its intended meaning. If the word is false, false will also be used and, of course, the reality that it designates. In short, this is an exercise in historical revisionism denier. Throughout the article they make big mistakes in history. He speaks of the "mythical biblical Palestine" as the land of the people of today's Palestinians. In the Bible speaks of
Philistia, area south of Gaza, it is true, but the "Philistines were not Semites, but those Mycenaean invaders known as the Sea Peoples ( Plishah פלישה means "invader"). After the bloody episode of Masada, the emperor Hadrian
decided to rename the Palestine Judea, romanized version of the old name philistim
. Later, Simon Royo intentionally forget that the state of Israel was created in 1947 in a legal and peaceful process guarded by the UN from the territories of the Turkish Empire, which dominated the region for more than four centuries, as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. then Simón Royo
embeds a pseudo-philological digression on the term "Anti-Semitism." As is so clever, explains that "antisemitic" is derived from 'Semitic', an adjective from Noah's son Shem called . We also lists what are the Semitic languages. Okay, so far everything is correct and obvious.
What we mean Simón Royo is that Semites are both Jews and Palestinians and that, consequently, the word "antisemitic" also come to denote the hatred of all Arabs in general. But no! That's not true! Simón Royo extrapolates a term-that of "Semitic" - which comes from anthropology and linguistics to apply to politics. Simón Royo here again demonstrates his profound ignorance to overlook when and why they coined the term "anti-Semitism." And how curious! It is he who first used the above word was a left-wing anarchist journalist named Wilhelm Marr in 1879, an agitator exactly like Simón Royo -. This guy solidified the use of this term in their racist harangues during the debate in Germany of the law of Judenemanzipation
. Marr
, sour jedeófobo, was against this proposed law granting civil rights of the Jewish minority, which hitherto lived outlaw repudiated. That is, they were not the Jews who invented this word, but precisely their harassers Pangerman. This Wilhelm Marr wrote pamphlets and Der Sieg des Judenthums
über das Germanenthum
(1873) and in 1879 founded the
Antisemitenliga . Marr accused Jews of being the architects of international capitalism that curtail the country, to dominate the newspapers and alienate the German people with their theatrical and musical ... Paracas Simon arguments Royo! The "progressive left" Wilhelm Marr
). For this reason, its broader use is perfectly legitimate and correct, contrary to what Simon says Royo in this article written on assumptions lacking the slightest foundation history.
Other errors found in the writing of college Simonet:
Simon writes * Imre Kestrez
instead of Imre Kertész
- not Babylonian, but come from Ur, a city Chaldean. Chaldea was only part of what would later Babylon Gilgamesh is an epic not Babylonian Sumerian but
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