Monday, October 9, 2006

Mixed Wrestling Session


Piort Kropotkin, the new guide Simón Royo

Today commented:

(Rebelión 25-09-2006) News from the immaterial labor II. The Platonic communism posthumanistic justice and the affirmation of the existence of being born. A reconciliation with the poets

( September 2006)

Republic Plato: Analysis of Book II uplifting

... What a picture!

Ultimately it is impersonating letraherido philosopher and, with that costume that seems to command respect ad auctoritatem , foist their political obsessions. In other words, the poor Plato (or Hölderlin or whoever) to Simon gives a Royo eaten pickled, provided you can pick a few quotes to give radiance to your brochures. Thus, some gullible will believe that Royo
Simon is a man who has studied hard, the philosophy seems serious, does not - why he deserves to pay attention to politics for broadcasting fascist extreme left in their little article. That said, let's see what the devil tells us today in these two tomes published at the same time very similar content.
In his analysis

uplifting, Simón Royo merely summarizes the second book of the Republic of Plato
-guides have picked the edition of the Gredos, how smart. Simón Royo
is impatient to reach point of interest: the formation of the citizen as Plato premises. This serves to attack the "compulsory education" this barbaric -illustrated-that Simon leviatanesca Royo considered, without more, "slave training" devoted to the specialization of a particular job. That is, a boy or a girl studying to become neurosurgeons are slaves because they have focused on a specialty and thus do not aspire to the "wisdom" that Simon
Royo, of course, has.
What we propose Simón Royo ? What model of Platonic communism designed for our children in this world so complex and competitive? How? Oysters! This really is living in an ivory tower! Simón Royo speaks anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin Alexeyevich (1842-1921) , old friend! We call this being a day! Royo Simon suggests that we create an agro-utopian Arcadia in which work only three hours a day, what would three potatoes to grow, "according to the schemes designed Kropotkin The Conquest of Bread , 1892. Thus, a novelty more than a century ago in Russia limited agricultural tsars, Simón Royo want to stand up to the challenges of the postindustrial economy hipertecnificada (over 65% of service sector work, when Simón Royo is obsessed with material production and raw materials).
Nevertheless, Royo
Simon can not stop his article without some reference to medieval theocracies and communist dictatorships that both likes and therefore we should imitate. We put here a paragraph obtuse of Justice posthumanistic : Efforts now [justice] in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia, and as always, bankers, capitalists, opposed, along with the mob of shopkeepers, think it is normal that the aberrant and what is not normal for equality, justice and freedom. But they keep trying over and over again and finally achieving a majority and, as Marx said, will mark the end of prehistory and the beginning of real history. No more, as is clear to us what "post-humanist."

Note: • We know that is useless, you are an anarchist of the syntax, but try to polish this persistent error: "No written

around but

• Do
* Medici, Simon? Who are they? Wow, you have two options, the more English version

Medici and Italian, Medici .
With so many failures, one wonders if he went to school there in Colombia. Of course, if you're not a slave, obviously not you.


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