Saturday, December 30, 2006

Liecence Sticker Colours


Go sabadete, Royo-bloggers! Last night

have hanged Saddam

and just exploded a car bomb in Barajas. Presumably, all these events will delight the prophet Simonastro , which must be celebrating the Feast of Sacrifice or Eid El Adha
more passion, if possible ...

Nor have we been able to avoid the temptation to include in the post today a priceless stamp of nerd

- praying at the Mosque of Cordoba
to regain the Al-Andalus. Needless to say what would happen if a Catholic or a Jew asked to exercise their faith in the esplanade of the meteorite in Mecca. But we know that Spain is different ... We suggest that the yield UNED all centers of Spain to the Mohammedan community persecuted can preach peace and universal love and give lectures on Islam, stoning, or infibulations Iranian theocratic constitution. This, of course, with the participation of Simón Royo to spread his theories on "theodicies terrorists"
Mansur Escudero, "praying" Indeed, Simonet : When will we see you praying at the mosque of the M30? Or even better, before the

Escorial and the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

? With so handsome that 'd beard and hijab! Meanwhile, as we know your inclinations for the excesses, we wanted to give some indications for the celebration of the sacrifice of the lamb. The

Royo-bloggers already know that each Muslim family must sacrifice at least one poor lamb according to the technique cruel Mansur Escudero, profesor de la UNED, haciendo el gilipollas ante la Mezquita de Córdoba

Halal (cutting the jugular vein and bled alive). A few years ago in France discussed the legality of this conclusion by the complaints of many French people who lived in terror of the screams of animals slaughtered in the bathtub of their Muslim neighbors during this joyous celebration. The Feast of the Sacrifice or Aid El Adha

recalls the moment when the Archangel Gabriel

changed the son of Abraham a lamb when he was determined to obey the demands of their God (see picture). So Simon Royo, please do not sacrifice your son today. With just a poor little lamb ... Is it enough? Would not it be desirable to replace a real sacrifice on the other metaphorical and abstract? Almost all religions have evolved, but some, of course!

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pet Friendly Rat Baits


Today we will be very brief because surely you will be enjoying the holidays and do not want to give you the grill. However there is a very special dedication to the bony shabby-

of Simón Royo and delusions of grandeur. El arcángel San Gabriel cambia al hijo de Abraham por un cordero. Fiesta del Sacrificio


Theodor Lessing (chosen with great intention for being who he was and what she wrote ...)

And here some pictures Nietzsche's real shocking

  • ***

Note: If you look good in the video will see that Nietzsche actually ere squint. But there the similarities end between the philosopher and philosophaster.
  • soon return to the load,
  • Joseph K.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Changing Struts Jeep Liberty


(Do Click on photo for larger view!)

*** Dear

Royo-Bloggers, Look up. A glowing star to guide us Bethlehem. Very soon return to close the circle of the eternal and the Messiah

Sol Invictus Luminaire philosophy. Praise the Lord! Simón Royo I Kalligraphos Josephus, also known as Joseph K
., I have the honor to write with my pen trembling pulse the good news of the arrival of our savior.
Star Simon Simon Aster " or Simonastro " is about to descend on us and fill us with His grace. Go to assemble
Palestine the Bethlehem
, right now is going to spark civil war between supporters of
Fatah and Hamas
. It is time that the voice heard Simonastro strong and clear.
Now sing, faithful
simonastrinos : Adoro te devote Verbum caro panem verum Carnem efficit verb: fitque Merum sanguis Christi. Et si sensus deficit, ad firmandum cor sincerum sufficit sola fides.

A devoutly I adore thee
The word is flesh and flesh and body makes to his word
what was bread and butter. It
blood wine,
and although we do not understand,
enough faith, if there
sincere heart.
Yes, brothers. Simón Royo


logos incarnate, U + N + O indivisible

advaita, alpha and omega, lux mundi
and flamboyant. Inflame the minds of the merchants who have earnings in the temples, "embrace" the prostitutes, seek out your other cheek to strike with his right divine. Bourgeois and humanist, men and women cowards who you refuse to regodearos with the smell of blood, ye obstinate, they feel horror at the suffering and death, hear parables:

Hegel said at the end of his Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit, "The activity that the individual belongs in the total work of the spirit can only be minimal," but he was wrong can be far more important. Despite the neoliberal ividualismo
atoms with


who devote their e
xistencias to feed the machine work of gains, with the joint action of national peoples and revolutionary crowds , there are individuals that affect in no small total work of history. A terrorist (be the side that is) can be one of such individuals .

Ah, you proper voice, leader of the dark night of the soul, love move the sky and the stars! Oh, son of the pure and intangible Postmodernitas -blue cloak under which the shelter is seeking the warmth of maternal love you, oh, no-child son of a carpenter who works with the Marxist wood materials reality!


, you who deny the pusillanimous, have, however, a good heart filial

In the case of the paradox
suicide terrorism is important. You can not stop and execute the offender because he's dead, but a justice system that has turned into a system of vengeance can not be satisfied with the fact that the terrorist, in fact, have already paid with his life the attack and has to download his revenge on someone. [...]

is not the case for collaboration with an armed group of a mother, because at home we all have our mothers that we host be and do what we do, and our mothers have nothing to do with what we do with our lives. I imagine that demolished the house of my mother because of my writings in rebellion and I imagine myself trying to explain to police that my mother is right, who vote for Aznar, who has nothing to do with my political positions and antagonistic ideologies that have yet they get along filial.

What a joy and what a relief that no Simon strictly follow the commandments of the anarchist anthem and "respects" his mother! Ugh!
Meanwhile, Royo-Bloggers , and you should be writing your letter to
Reyes Magos (the East).
"Des-east-detached? Have you been bad? Not enough? Maybe you should renew your home arsenal "progressive commitment" and to list it. Namely:

The Complete Works of Marx and Bakunin published by a publisher to cite in your South American articles. Much better if they are second hand.

• How do you walk in
, Derrida and Vattan ? Surely you need some work for the don't use as a punch to pierce the veil of Maya
of decadent Western culture and self-indulgent. Make an inventory, ask your colleagues if they have this or that book. Pareceréis an intellectual inquisitiveness and diligent, hungry for "all-encompassing knowledge," as Simon would say
-. • How about some ethnic music discs and / or urban suburbs? The son of a
millionaire like Manu Chao
, perhaps? Anything else
trash, indie and anti-globalization? À vos choix
... But the more tune singers, best poets are cursed.

Internet • I asked for a packet of marijuana seeds to plant at home. Is ideal, ecological and decorate amount. As a supplement, ask also a moldy shirt with the message that "mari cure cancer" . See note

a Royo-Blogger about> • Collecting
amateur fanzines on squatter movements and culture multi-tutti-cool alternative. Nothing like going to the flea market or caught around crappy color photocopies illegible.

• buy coffee and weeds in a fair trade shop. Also serves a Peruvian poncho. • How not, you leave the living room, clearly visible, foreign language books. Something striking the title, say, "< Empire," " No-Logo", "Die Postmoderne eute h" or "Das Phänomen Michel Houellebecq," The femme et l'Islam. " There is always a risk that this will be interpreted as "intellectual globalization." In this case, as you can hold fast to what we once called "cosmopolitanism" and mention that you recently visited
Paris banlieues and the issue you are worried about a high degree. You'll be phenomenal.
• Ask the Magi about the "intellectual manifestos
" coolest 2007. Sure you can emerge as accredited
"writer and journalist"

lists of signatories committed to a resounding Case-too-distant-that has nothing to do with you. The more obvious firméis more important pareceréis. It's about strategy and media ubiquity. • Finally, review your wardrobe. Put in your real list any request for second-hand clothes "Humana" or jerseys high semiotic ("I rock", "Free Patagonia", "Rebelde Way"). But not much and combinadlo lavéis all with a casual look- of haggard unshaven. far, our holiday catalog. The key is not to be "left" arm but noise. If we pay heed, you may give a bequita or you can provide a master "postmodern" in the UCM. You never know. Royo-Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Gifts To Bring A Stroke Patient In The Hospital


Pending the publication of a new article by Simon Royo, today we discussed this very special entitled

Hymn to anarchist


Rebelión January 23, 2004)
"I'm going to start smoking again, without ceremony, so fuck me, for to pay for treatment of my lung cancer you will have to work more»
So begins, dear bloggers
, one of the warmest texts written by Simon

Royo. You know that Christmas is coming and nothing like the manifesto of Simon to set in the warm spirit of harmony and universal love bring these intimate dates. Barely noticed us, we are witnessing the birth of a new faith which guides light the way for future generations. Witnessing the dawn of a new era engendered by the sacred power of the word:
Thus Spake
... ta, taaa, ta-taaa taahh ... (now, now, Royo-bloggers, you must turn to play the chords sound .)

Strauss, Dawn

Or better yet, behold this Simonastro
down from the mountain:

? Not so long ago post on the net! Do you lack time? Should you scrub your summaries of Protagoras for which you pay your bequita's plugged in? How is it that we have thus abandoned? "In these days? Where are your articles that warn of capitalist consumerism of Christmas? Do not want to remind as miserable as we are to give our children a toy and watch their little eyes shining on the eve of Kings? Do not insult us by meeting our friends and family? Yeah, man, you tell us that we are mired in nihilism bourgeois comfort, a slave alienated by the system, cowards who do not kill or violate in the name of Islamic revolution, red-Rojitas ... Púrganos of our problems: a Please. gotta spread the iconoclasm of capitalism and religious imagery. For God, that the stalls are offending Muslim immigrants! By God, Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas or Christmas tree Germanic are another example of the jaws of globalization! By God, the winter solstice is white and Eurocentric! What the child was well looked ecstatic how lit lights of the giant Christmas tree in New York? Ah, yes, now is a mosquito bug on her forehead hold a gritty grooves that seems to be eighty-aged. No child today should enjoy as you enjoyed yourself: that is your religion of resentment
We transfixed by the joy of receiving the teachings of our solitary thinker, Walker road ever trod by human experience. Oh, you,
der Wanderer, you throw the light to shine in it. We declare your most fervent supporters.
Can there be any religion without sacred texts? "No masses or preaching? Where do you hide,
Without your eyes of "cross-eyed basilisk " Simonastro
, we are poor orphans. We ask that threaten your teeth dull blonde who commit statutory rape with the philosophy and the "fine literature" and that they take away your dignity and use them as your speeches intellectual farce anarchists as the aforementioned "Hymn to

Go with the anthem! It sometimes happens that someone who intends to change the world with filthy texts do not even have the willpower to kick an addiction as common as smoking. It's easier to blame the entelechy of the multinationals to take their own weakness of spirit.

What pleasure to smoke! What joy to note how I break a lung alveoli to give a deep drag! What a miserable world in which we kill and seek benefits only multinationals is live!

so easy, yes sir. And then you have a fit of badness Nietzsche and heptálogo you give us this as a mockery of Mosaic Law:

1.No love God and hate any all subservience to god, institution or man.

2.Tomarás misuse the name of any God and sanctify every day as holidays.

3.No will work towards the benefit of individual persons but only in the self or the collective.

4.No Honor your father and your mother, not only will follow the customs of your tribe.

uncensored 5.Pensarás around and give free rein to your desires. Kill, fornicate and steal everything you can without giving the bones in jail.

6.Levantarás true testimony against covet your neighbor and your home and property, they are all stolen.

7.Desearás a woman (or man) of others and all other women (or men), even the (or) that lives with you. For no one is wholly owned by anyone.

When you put "hard" macho, you're so sexy ... If it were not more than one has tested the pain of your fists, we could laugh at your bravado. To employ the term "fornication." Uuuhh, so strong, why irreverent uuhh, use biblical terminology of "town hall" to shock us with your sexuality dysfunctional. What fantasies so uplifting! How manly! Priapic drive much crazy! And you "philosopher" who thinks "uncensored", uuhh. It can not stand! 're so ... so simonástrico!

One day we decided to descend from the cave in which moraste for years to share with the rest of us your superhuman. We must rid ourselves of our prejudices and bourgeois morality. Sure, sure. Alas, mankind does not understand you because you are not prepared to capture your message and the only wire artist who stumbles listens and is killed. It's so hard the path to superhuman! It's so amazing that you try to imitate the philosopher Flounder boom that has despised mediocrity and boredom of stupidity! worth to talk about your "Bat-cave." Anyone visiting the room of your house you will see that is full of "intellectual gadgets" strategically placed. What is most striking is a cheap replica of a stele Sumerian Gilgamesh -nor the British Museum, which verifies your "interest" in ancient history. Lie restrained on the shelf right next

Cervantes to Shakespeare ; There, many Platos Gredos publisher of protruding pieces of paper (gad, your precious little notes of diligent philosopher!), In the corner, another

publisher Aguilar but the sausage in a library (the footprint of the label reveals that actually steal back, arguing that nothing belongs to anyone). And why not, you will meet many, many volumes of Bakunin
... Every piece of paper is a picture of your intellectual armor: it is the habitat of the emperor's clothes invisible. Some boast of a car, others beautiful wife, trophies and athletes chosen few-the-line model their biotope with their complex thinker ...

must be very hard. And,
Simonastro on your shoulders rests the fate of mankind. You're tired. It's natural. So you write:

No one with less strength of mind that good Rousseau, whose large vacillations of mind and a high sensitivity have led to frequent disturbances, despite tears and not because of them succeeded, heroically, write great lines. Bourgeois bastard! They kill and then you render them worship! Tribute to so and so, the centenary of Somebody's niece, exposure vanghocito ... Begging, marginality, madness and repression remains castor oil for most of the anarchists, for those who do not give either the Capital or the State, for those who have stayed forever without breathing space and always have been swept to the outside. Those are the best! Those were the best! I have not the nerve to pretend to be one of them. Oh, madcap twist ... If we allow it, we would like to introduce the final orders of the new anarchist posthumanistic for fixtures in 2007:

I Simonastro declare that:

embody absolute evil as capitalism and the Western democracies: why I write in support of dictators in the world

The Jews are a caricature of capitalism: why I'm anti-Semitic

burguesonas Feminists are a bad f * ll * d * s: I'm so macho

  • Gays and lesbians are a capitalist construct: for that I'm homophobic
  • Muslim intellectuals calling for a progressive improvement of democratic values \u200b\u200band human rights, as Orhan Pamuk and Jahanbegloo-are negligible, so I am Islamist
  • Infibulation, stoning, tribal courts and the militia are trademarks cultural terrorism on behalf of companies not globalized: why I am a cultural relativist
  • grammars and dictionaries are written by bourgeois academics: why I write as a functional illiterate
  • The public school is a machine that generates slaves why am ignorant
  • Thus says the true Simonastro
  • Simonet, do not forget,
    Gott is tot ...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Herbal Tea Before A Blood Test?

or anti-feminism SIMON SIMON

Dear royo-bloggers, analyze Today:

and nearer Beyond Feminism: the war between the sexes in the Age of Capitalism

Simón Royo

The original idea this blog was to be commenting on articles of

Simón Royo as they were appearing on the network, at his heels. However, the suggestion of "Hector " us seemed very good, so that we will examine some older items while we await the latest.

The truth is that there is much to choose from but "
and nearer Beyond Feminism: the war between the sexes in the Age of Capitalism ) taking advantage of the fact Simon that these days has been giving lectures on feminism and Islam.

The poet Sappho (Alma Tadema)

is an article that hangs in a section of the UNED called Sappho deceptively devoted to postmodern feminism-or any other line. Our readers already know that the poet of Mytilene is among the most venerable houses in the old (even Latin Catullus reversal so celebrated some of his poems) but has also gone down in history for being the inspiration for the term "lesbianism . " Already have recochineo not have enough to torment Western women, straight or gay-this which, above, are devoted to "deconstruct" the classical canon.
We say this because
Simón Royo
, the great liberal postmodern supermolón

- he spends half of this article malicious ranting against lesbians, feminists phallocentric and councils of several witches. If you do not understand anything do not worry we started from scratch. This article is one of the best reasons for wasting our time writing here: this is a disgrace for men, an affront to women and a blush for UNED ... Here we go!

♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♀ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂

Perverse lesbians, Simón Royo recurrent obsession in this article


Lesbian Pulp Fiction

One day the saint Simon, pastor of misguided souls, it occurred that could translate that their ancient wisdom about human nature in this paper of twenty pages devoted to
"battle of the sexes "
. Simon The male flies in this hostile fight because it sits in the heavens sublunary, very close to the world of ideas. So sexism is not going with him, or so it is believed. Oh, Simonet. Not long ago put them in your curriculum that "wrote scripts for erotic lines" . is a pity that you've deleted, because it deprives us of another reason to hilarious derision. Perhaps I invented it to play games transgression of epater le bourgeois, sad consolation of sheriff night. We have said that our Saint Simon
is "beyond and this side of Feminism"
therefore is never "close" to him. Of necessity, today we are bound to be something neat with the quotes because, otherwise, would be very difficult to follow the sequence of his ravings werewolf.
This article contains four sections, whose titles are bursting:

1. Working, feminism and gender imaginary: Don Juan and the Femme Fatale .. 2. Why a change in the imaginary is not sufficient to cause a change in the social relations of production. 3. The joke of marital horror 4. In the area of \u200b\u200bgood Eros: when love triumphs over death instinct.

Seraphic ", eh? This index could be expected but an enjoyable read, just browse the first page, this Stephen King's philosophy of "post" overwhelms us as the Butcher of Milwaukee. Nothing more or less denies the reality of women's oppression based on sex. In other words, the misogyny-like anti-Semitism simply does not exist:

(p. 1) On dominance relations can affect the sexual condition so high but there is nothing more egalitarian, in the worst sense of that word, that the operation in general, mainly on economic, wandering feminism to focus on sexual difference the origin of the submission of another.

To understand it. Men have nothing to do with sexism and the oppression of women is entirely due to the degenerate capitalist system and bourgeois women. In this manner explains Simon
the causes of crimes of gender violence as thousands of psychiatrists, sociologists and psychologists have failed to resolve in decades. Read:

(p.2) Today some champions of feminism

bourgeois emancipatory not understand that while they have an immigrant maid at home doing housework, their counterparts in classes workers can not afford to scream at the husband who comes home from work on a scaffold for 12 hours for a wage garbage, saying that it is subject, humiliated, dominated and battered to entrust all the housework. The hard worker who arrives after an exhausting day and a couple of liters of alcohol after her to forget the holding that is subject, if you come home
and his wife yells hysterically because he has seen on television that men are the rule phallocratic; most likely throw it out the window. Crude explanation of the causes of domestic violence

This portentous paragraph reveals that: The proletarian woman is a fool who spends his days watching TV
Both women

proletarian and the bourgeois are a blatant female irritating

She moves through mimicry: does and says what he sees on TV

proletarian man is an alcoholic

  • proletarian man is a mindless fanatic who is not able to maintain a conversation with His wife and peacefully settle their differences with her, with the only systematic response the brutal murder of his companion
  • proletarian man no trial and willingly.
  • So the recipe for combating domestic violence-in a country like Spain where more die seventy women per year for this scourge, would be:
  • promote unemployment among workers to avoid earning a salary and buy a TV.

Voice of Virginia Woolf

The great Virginia Woolf
raised in this book the capabilities and plight of women in the field of literature ... Surely another bourgeois Simón Royo unbearable then

Simon explains that the imagery of each sex are a construct of the market economy. Consequently, capitalism is the only one to blame for the misinterpretation of sexual imagery. Homosexuals and transsexuals and their problems do not exist because:

(pp. 2-3) The biology from morphological difference between men and women, the different conformation of their bodies , is undeniable. But the major determinant of their self as such do not reside in the differential base body but in the perception psychological and cultural, in what we call the imaginary. Thus, cases lesbianism and homosexuality or transsexualism more radical occur because of the psychological perception that one has one's own body and the imaginary hybridized he could take part in the socio-cultural sexual identity . A man can feel like a woman to the point of subjecting his body to the surgery required for access to his ego ideal and vice versa, a woman with a constructive surgery less efficient than the previous one, to procure a male member and join the club phallic.

therefore aspire to equal rights of women and homosexuals in our society violence unleashed against them as unbalanced the natural order of things: the power must be exercised only the white male Eurocentric. Otherwise, all these calamities occur:

(p. 4) Jolgorio

that kind of mannish lesbians and resentful female with eagerness
universal castration, short hair, rage, rampant misandry (7) or androfobia unleashed. Finally they are already men, as Margaret Thathcher or Oriana Fallaci, welcome to the desert of the real. *** Ginecentrismo response to phallocentrism. fun of gays with money who want to have right to marry, to have shares traded, to be masters and not slaves instead of abolishing slavery. Today it seems that those who feel heterosexual man and have to apologize for having such sexual identity, associated with violence, rudeness, and domination. emancipatory radical feminist movement has achieved such a prodigy, exacerbating violence which condemns both
, when not asking for input on this assumption of power in the world to move from exploiters and exploited, thus achieving the desired equality. We want to be capitalists! We have the right to exploit, dominate, to subdue, to use violence! We want to be the same! ... So I welcome and enjoy! Increases and the world of pigs / as, welcome to the desert of the real.

A Simón Royo upset that people of color, women and homosexuals reach prestigious positions in society and a low visibility in the press, political or media. Breaking the barriers of exclusion, of ignorance, poverty and suffering you are intolerable because:

(p. 13)
A millionaire black man like Eddy Murphy, not a man of color but by magically becomes a respectable citizen and is taken by white or bleached, as Michael Jackson, who already looks like a middle-aged white woman. In Latin America among the wealthy classes the word "Indian" is an insult, people physiologically identical to the poor they call "filthy Indians" to those who simply have no money.
not a wealthy woman is dominated by the macho men but consider it "one of us" as a man
. The gay community

rather glaring suffers from a split into sub-dividing it between those who have money and live without problems in their own areas and immigrant hustlers in prostitution in the city, the first business runs successfully, enter the cinema, politics and television, and achieve great fame and renown. It says it is because society has become sensitized to that group, but a lie, that's because they are rich because they have entered into the increasingly exclusive club of capitalists. So when demand equality in what is capitalism is demanding is that a minority within the minority allows it to enter the club of the rich, Aryan-Anglo males, legally marry, adopt children stolen from their biological parents poor wield surplus property and remove the blood and sweat workers. That in the dialectic between rulers and ruled, in the second group can be verified empirically that dominated most of the poor, women and people of color lighter or darker, implies that the racist and misogynist ideology of the economic elites filters down to the disadvantaged and breeds there, among the weakest that subjugated and powerless to fight against which dominates them, enter the cycle of violence subdomain to each other.

Simon, of course. Internists who has eminent doctors in hospitals or a gay television magazine drives a direct impact on poverty around the world. Could it be, Simon, that your purpose in this world is tied to the eternal perpetuation of poverty? Is not it true that you only feel comfortable when a woman is silly or the proletariat does not participate profitably in the public education system, "school slave " according to your words? If not for those poor humiliated and offended the world could not deploy your sacred ministry of "progressive cool. Without them, without the underdogs of the world, you could not revel in your bourgeois paternalism son who gives up everything to save the world, to redeem ... soufflés postmodern Redemption plagued with misspellings and those that employ the suffering of homeless as a mere alibi? Thus, Simon

changes the world. Say yes ...
Not satisfied with this jumble of nonsense, Simón Royo

emphasizes the inherent dislike of women Western screaming these nasty nagging
Women who have contributed to the improvement of democracy and civil rights. Carefully read this paragraph of gold because
Simon warns us that we delegitimized to worry about the fate of millions of women submitted by theocratic regimes. Air Gather:

(p. 15) [...] added that psychological violence cases are of a much larger and more exercised by women than by men
. In any neighboring courtyard of one of our cities can hear the abuse continuous and mutual, not only physical aggression, verbal aggression, which many couples live and support many children. The capitalist society we live pressure on individuals, both women and men who pay load of frustration with the couple, which makes and then tell them that they are fully responsible for their behavior and require some form of action which in fact are repressed part on the work and facing the head but can no longer be suppressed in the field of privacy.
Despite all Westerners still feel entitled to criticize the treatment given to women in other regions of the world and within other cultures, predominantly those of denominational Islamic , given the current crusade against the Empire's new Satan, through which you see very clearly the speck in your neighbor's eye but can see the beam in your own.


culmination Menudo! From now on we do not care more for the ablation

of millions of girls worldwide, of stoning or gang rapes perpetrated by
tribal courts

. It's much better to write this stuff in which men appear as some animals incapable of reflecting on our own actions and the women like a spoiled bourgeois simpletons girls, in addition to the contempt for lesbians and transsexuals ...
Congratulations, macho! + + +
royo-bloggers, we can not finish our post today without picking up some of the faults spelling of our beloved deconstructor grammars. Please have an expert in "Elvish syntax tolkianesca" we translate these enigmatic phrases:

(p. 1) *** Do is the work could be a sexual function?

  • (p. 12) *** enlightened state's claim to the whole world "citizen" abstracting all the differences progress has only diminished when citizens do not illustrate a coincidence to be overwhelmingly male, white, Anglo-Saxons and not women, black and African.

  • Of course, there's more:
  • (pp. 4, 15) does not say *** ginecentrismo but ginocentrismo

  • (pp. 7, 19) à
    "and the more we want ..."
  • "that against most talked about ...." By God! *** against more is totally wrong, you should say the more or the less NOTE: That this Christmas alguien haga una colecta y le regale a Simonete el DICCIONARIO PANHISPÁNICO DE DUDAS de la Real Academia. ¡Pobre lengua española!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cruising Spots Niagara Region


Bueno, Royo-Bloggers , calma: Ya está aquí la ansiada foto de Simón Royo en el día de su lectura de tesis que nos ha enviado Georg . Los tejanos raídos y esa cuidada camisa dan fe de su talante postmetafísico deconstructivo-dionisíaco. Hay momentos en la vida en los que "uno vuela", en los que se traspasa los lindares del más allá zaratustriano to embrace these fellow travelers of absolute knowledge.

Simón Royo So is Simon. Rest your arm on a Hellenistic syphilitic quoted him endlessly, calling at the Ungedachte

to evaporate in the postmodern and power and all derridiarnos.

Ah, culture "post-it", how many joys that offers in-tutto-expertólogos as Simón Royo

Well ... We hope you enjoy our "
" allegorical below. And then they do not say that this blog goes dull in matters Multimedia though we confess that we lack practice with Photoshop!

"Georg" wrote yesterday

going to let a little criticism on this blog: it is something short of audiovisual documents on Simon filonazi's son. Certainly the picture that appears in the "About Me" is absolutely great, a perfect synthesis of why Royo face is so pitiful as their moral status (to say nothing of his battered cognitive abilities). But I think all bloggers would long Royo-greater presence Photo (not to mention video) where Simon makes us love life by simply not been born like him. Be the first to collaborate with in order to obtain remedy this small problem, there is a new picture of Simon 20of% 20plan % 20intelestual.JPG.html Simón Royo

Although my skills as a commentator on the photos do not reach the ankle or the mastery of Joseph K. simonescos texts commenting, yes I'd do a couple of glosas.Para start, explain when the picture was taken. It was a day mu 'important to Simon, the day when finally after years and years of jacking as a night watchman, his friends, UNED gave him a doctorate for a thesis that was just a rehash of the texts that Simon usually punish us on the web (imagine, then, the quality of such work "doctoral"). This picture shows Simon with three of the few "friends" (we know that some already discussed) who came to see how was perpetrated that felony. We all know that the English university is made about foxes, but it cries to heaven that Simon will accept a couple of paragraphs in it (full of all the errors reveals how well Joseph K.). The funny thing is the face of "intelestual" that puts Simon in that photo. I think momentarily that day exceeded his inferiority complex and truly believed, even a little bit, that goes for anything in the world of ideas. A "intelestual" which also is able to go with jeans and a shirt jacket conchambrosos his own thesis, "one might expect moral height greater than mine?" (Seems to say our mentally handicapped). "Is it can be more" cool "than me, intelligent and committed to the poor above the Earth thanks to my progress tempered clothing?" Oh, how much there is in this biemepensante autocondescendencia foto.O at least that's what I see.
NOTE: If you have more pictures, hang them here!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Game For Pregnant Women About Labor And Delivery


need your help!
It was inexcusable on our part that we have missed the ceremony at the Simón Royo has participated yesterday, day 14, the lecture series
Feminism, illustration and multiculturalism: the processes of enlightenment Islam and its implications for women

As we explained "Georg " (see here
) Royo veil of democracy?

• What is wrong with the constitution of Iran? ". Unfortunately we have not attended this conference. For this reason, if any of you went yesterday to Simon Royo, we would like you share with us your impressions on his speech. For Simón Royo titles to their parliaments has not very difficult to imagine the content thereof. Very likely be a rehash of laudatory articles about the theocratic regime in Iran, stuffed with postmodern anti-globalization Orientalism and sexism dysfunctional.

look forward to your comments!
NOTE: I recommend this link for Women and Islam



13 to November 17, 2006

Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Moral Philosophy and Policy UNED

The objective of this 1st. International Meeting is to know and reflect Feminism, Enlightenment and Islam, and possible ways to "civilize" the conflict of civilizations from feminist theory.

The meeting will feature a double structure on the one hand, public lectures and seminars across researcher @ s, doctoral students, academics, etc. For those who must apply for admission to the organizing team.

Organizing Team: Celia Amorós Puente, moral and political philosophy professor at the UNED, Ana de Miguel, associate professor Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Coordinator Stella Leon, predoctoral fellow researcher and UNED.

Speakers: Sophie Bessis, Fadela Amara, Mohamed Abdi, Amelia Valcárcel, Celia Amorós Puente
Faculty of Philosophy, Moral and Political Philosophy

National University of Distance Education UNED be awarded two free credits Information:

lsleon@bec.uned. is

Tel 0034 913988445 Humanities Faculty, Department of Philosophy, Moral Philosophy and Policy UNED, Suite 326 Paseo Senda del Rey 7, 28040 Madrid
Associates: Vice President for Research - UNED Philosophy Department, UNED moral and political philosophy , Institute for Women and Science Ministry of Education


Monday, November 13, 2006

Invitation On First Year Death Anniversary



Royo -


Alias \u200b\u200b"Georg

http:// # c116340134936496839 we go to conferences Teresa Oñate.
Copy information so graciously provided us "
dates in the respective rooms of the UNED, are:

* Opening: Humanities Lecture Hall, 8 November. (Video:
Hall of Science: 22 November.
Hall Economics: 15 and November 29 and December 13.
Schedule: All sessions will begin at 19 pm and the lecture (so to speak) will last up to 21 hours. From 21 to 22 hours will be held on Colloquium Seminar, for questions and discussion with participants.
Seminar History of Philosophy I / languages \u200b\u200band the reasons for Aristotle Taught by Teresa Oñate Zubia (subject History of Philosophy I)
November 8 - Review and editing of the Greek intellectual tradition
November 15 - The understanding of human beings. The 14 logoi called Metaphysical November 22 - text commentary and discussion November 29 - The question of truth: Action, truth and virtue
December 13 - Powers of the Soul and the knowledge of the City
TIME: Wednesday schooldays until the Christmas holidays from 19:00 to 21:00 + symposium
PLACE: November 8 · ·> Hall of the Faculty of Humanities
15 and November 29, December 13 · ·> Hall of the Faculty of Economics
November 22 · ·> Hall of the Faculty of Sciences [campus UNED, c / Senda del Rey, Madrid]

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Clothing Optional Clubs Southeast


  • Today we discussed the following article Simón Royo:
  • News from the immaterial labor III :

    • voice Impropriety
    • Semitism (Posted on 10/21/2006 for Rebelión)
    • First we want the readers must understand that
    Royo Simon is the son of influential , director of the newspaper for many years


    This time Simón Royo dares to publish this reflection on the concept "anti-Semitism" which, based on the etymology of it, deemed inappropriate. This is your main mistake being lost and wandering in barren when in fact philological should seek the historical context in which that term was coined. As he usually does, this time Simón Royo is believed judicious historian and expert in Semitic languages. But as is the method of postmodernillo Smarty, put the bucket to the bottom.


    Simon opens his article with a furious attack against all those who accept the legality of the state of Israel to which labels, without more,

    "Zionists" . It also takes the opportunity to disqualify any Nobel prize as a Hungarian writer Imre Kertész , given his Jewishness and to analyze anti-Semitism preached by a certain sector of the left. Naturally, Simon


    the terrible experiences of Kertész

    have no evidential value, it reminds us of his disdain for the vicissitudes suffered Jahanbegloo

    recently in Iran. That is, Imre Kertész for being a Jew who has lived in flesh paths deportations Auschwitz and Buchenwald is unauthorized to write about Israel (¡¿?!) and, instead, Simón Royo -a mindundis filonazi son of a member of the Blue Division

    - yes that's all an entity with strong moral right to lecture us. What are you looking Simón Royo with this pamphlet? On the one hand, of course, attack the state of Israel, those who defend the legality of the UN-established, "and civil and Western democratic values. On the other, shake off the stigma of "anti-Semitic." So this writing. Royo Simon knows that is a deep anti-Semitic in the same degree that it is a pro-Islamist radical. To Simón Royo that Iran has a number of women imprisoned for adultery awaiting death by stoning, "that hang homosexuals, that persecute intellectuals and restricting Internet content and bandwidth, is legitimate because Ahmadinejad is against the U.S.. Neither makes the slightest allusion to the dozens of conflicts over Islamic fundamentalism (the 400,000 dead in Sudan, the struggles in Algeria, massacres of Christians in Nigeria, the 35,000 dead in Ethiopia and many other hundreds in Malaysia, Timor, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc ...). There is no doubt that Simon Royo seeks to divert our attention with this neat rattle on the misuse of the term "anti-Semitism." Thus, in discussing on the alleged impropriety of the term, devoid of its intended meaning. If the word is false, false will also be used and, of course, the reality that it designates. In short, this is an exercise in historical revisionism denier. Throughout the article they make big mistakes in history. He speaks of the "mythical biblical Palestine" as the land of the people of today's Palestinians. In the Bible speaks of

    Philistia, area south of Gaza, it is true, but the "Philistines were not Semites, but those Mycenaean invaders known as the Sea Peoples ( Plishah פלישה means "invader"). After the bloody episode of Masada, the emperor Hadrian
    decided to rename the Palestine Judea, romanized version of the old name
    . Later, Simon Royo intentionally forget that the state of Israel was created in 1947 in a legal and peaceful process guarded by the UN from the territories of the Turkish Empire, which dominated the region for more than four centuries, as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. then Simón Royo
    embeds a pseudo-philological digression on the term "Anti-Semitism." As is so clever, explains that "antisemitic" is derived from 'Semitic', an adjective from Noah's son Shem called
    . We also lists what are the Semitic languages. Okay, so far everything is correct and obvious.
    What we mean Simón Royo is that Semites are both Jews and Palestinians and that, consequently, the word "antisemitic" also come to denote the hatred of all Arabs in general. But no! That's not true! Simón Royo extrapolates a term-that of "Semitic" - which comes from anthropology and linguistics to apply to politics. Simón Royo here again demonstrates his profound ignorance to overlook when and why they coined the term "anti-Semitism." And how curious! It is he who first used the above word was a left-wing anarchist journalist named Wilhelm Marr in 1879, an agitator exactly like Simón Royo -. This guy solidified the use of this term in their racist harangues during the debate in Germany of the law of Judenemanzipation
    . Marr
    , sour jedeófobo, was against this proposed law granting civil rights of the Jewish minority, which hitherto lived outlaw repudiated. That is, they were not the Jews who invented this word, but precisely their harassers Pangerman. This Wilhelm Marr wrote pamphlets and
    Der Sieg des Judenthums
    über das Germanenthum
    (1873) and in 1879 founded the

    Antisemitenliga . Marr accused Jews of being the architects of international capitalism that curtail the country, to dominate the newspapers and alienate the German people with their theatrical and musical ... Paracas Simon arguments Royo! The "progressive left" Wilhelm Marr

    In short, the term "antisemitism" was born in a very specific political context since its coinage explicitly designated hatred of Jews (

    ). For this reason, its broader use is perfectly legitimate and correct, contrary to what Simon says Royo in this article written on assumptions lacking the slightest foundation history.
    El antisemita Wilhelm Marr Other errors found in the writing of college Simonet:

    Simon writes * Imre Kestrez

    instead of Imre Kertész

    • not Babylonian, but come from Ur, a city Chaldean. Chaldea was only part of what would later Babylon Gilgamesh is an epic not Babylonian Sumerian
    • but

    Monday, October 9, 2006

    Mixed Wrestling Session


    Piort Kropotkin, the new guide Simón Royo

    Today commented:

    (Rebelión 25-09-2006) News from the immaterial labor II. The Platonic communism posthumanistic justice and the affirmation of the existence of being born. A reconciliation with the poets

    ( September 2006)

    Republic Plato: Analysis of Book II uplifting

    ... What a picture!

    Ultimately it is impersonating letraherido philosopher and, with that costume that seems to command respect ad auctoritatem , foist their political obsessions. In other words, the poor Plato (or Hölderlin or whoever) to Simon gives a Royo eaten pickled, provided you can pick a few quotes to give radiance to your brochures. Thus, some gullible will believe that Royo
    Simon is a man who has studied hard, the philosophy seems serious, does not - why he deserves to pay attention to politics for broadcasting fascist extreme left in their little article. That said, let's see what the devil tells us today in these two tomes published at the same time very similar content.
    In his analysis

    uplifting, Simón Royo merely summarizes the second book of the Republic of Plato
    -guides have picked the edition of the Gredos, how smart. Simón Royo
    is impatient to reach point of interest: the formation of the citizen as Plato premises. This serves to attack the "compulsory education" this barbaric -illustrated-that Simon leviatanesca Royo considered, without more, "slave training" devoted to the specialization of a particular job. That is, a boy or a girl studying to become neurosurgeons are slaves because they have focused on a specialty and thus do not aspire to the "wisdom" that Simon
    Royo, of course, has.
    What we propose Simón Royo ? What model of Platonic communism designed for our children in this world so complex and competitive? How? Oysters! This really is living in an ivory tower! Simón Royo speaks anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin Alexeyevich (1842-1921) , old friend! We call this being a day! Royo Simon suggests that we create an agro-utopian Arcadia in which work only three hours a day, what would three potatoes to grow, "according to the schemes designed Kropotkin The Conquest of Bread , 1892. Thus, a novelty more than a century ago in Russia limited agricultural tsars, Simón Royo want to stand up to the challenges of the postindustrial economy hipertecnificada (over 65% of service sector work, when Simón Royo is obsessed with material production and raw materials).
    Nevertheless, Royo
    Simon can not stop his article without some reference to medieval theocracies and communist dictatorships that both likes and therefore we should imitate. We put here a paragraph obtuse of Justice posthumanistic : Efforts now [justice] in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia, and as always, bankers, capitalists, opposed, along with the mob of shopkeepers, think it is normal that the aberrant and what is not normal for equality, justice and freedom. But they keep trying over and over again and finally achieving a majority and, as Marx said, will mark the end of prehistory and the beginning of real history. No more, as is clear to us what "post-humanist."

    Note: • We know that is useless, you are an anarchist of the syntax, but try to polish this persistent error: "No written

    around but

    • Do
    * Medici, Simon? Who are they? Wow, you have two options, the more English version

    Medici and Italian, Medici .
    With so many failures, one wonders if he went to school there in Colombia. Of course, if you're not a slave, obviously not you.