Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Brazilian Waxing Tear
are data from the first seven months of 2007, and over the same period last year. Wine sales rose without mention wine varietal and varietal. On the other hand, fell 10% in domestic consumption.
Given the combination of height above sea level and low humidity, Argentine vineyards are very well protected against insects, fungi and other diseases suffered in other regions. This allows the vines organically grown with few pesticides and other contaminants. Very dry climate zones and soil characteristics favor the production of grapes for the wine best. These features allow Argentina is the first wine producer in South America and ranks fifth in quantity of exports in the world.
The National Wine Institute (INV) reported that in the first seven months of 2007, 177,732,200 liters of wine exported, representing an increase of 29% over the same period last year. Moreover, this generated a foreign exchange income 247,870 of billions of dollars. What was the most exported wine varietal without mention, and which reached a figure of 91,569,700 liters, generating an income of 41,990 thousand dollars. This type of wine was exported mainly to countries of Paraguay, Russia, Brazil, USA, Germany and Estonia.
also increased, compared to the same period in 2006, selling varietal wine. A varietal wine is one made from a single grape variety, or is a mixture where there is a type of grape that predominates over all others. It sold 85,167,600 liters of wine varietal and enrolled a total of 202,689 thousand dollars. The main buyers were the United States, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Denmark, Holland, Mexico, Japan and Norway. However, there was a significant drop in sales of sparkling wine, which fell 44%. The main buyers were Uruguay, Japan, Sweden, Paraguay, United States, Peru, Chile and Brazil.
domestic wine consumption in Argentina, although still high, declined from a year earlier. During the first 7 months of 2007, 606,684,200 liters of wines consumed. This represented a decrease of 10%, since in the same period in 2006 was 614,320,700 liters consumed.
On the other hand, according to INV, the harvest this year was a success, increasing by 9.34% over 2006. In addition, you can infer a growth in wine from grapes of high quality winemaking, showing a 183% increase over 2000 and 11.5% in the previous year.
The total number of vineyards in the country in 2006 was 23,133 in an area of \u200b\u200b223,034 hectares. These figures show a 2% increase over 2005 and 11% compared to 2000. 92% of the area planted with vines is concentrated in Mendoza and San Luis. The conduction system is predominantly grapevine (58% of the surface), followed by high trellis (28%) and low trellis with 13%.
the total vine area declared in the Register of Vineyards, 94.4% are making wine varieties, 4.7% for fresh consumption, 0.7% for raisins and the rest of the percentages for other varieties that are not specified. The most cultivated grapes in the country are Malbec (23%) and Cabernet Sauvignon (20%).
Monday, June 18, 2007
Car Title Georgia To Florida
A large poster of Maradona wearing the team jersey and one of the famous "orange ball" with which shone Norberto Alonso in a classic against Boca in the very Bombonera. The TV on, but at minimum volume, channel TyC Sports and some photos of her two children (male and woman). That's small office, located in the editorial of the newspaper Clarín of July Marini, Managing Editor and Chief Editor of Sports. 25 years ago in the middle and covered major events like the World Youth Cup in China in 1985 and the World Cup in Italy in 1990. During the interview, Marini was concerned to differentiate the online print media and stressed the importance of interactivity with the reader to the latter.
What is the difference between writing in half online and half graphic?
The thrill of writing for a publisher has made certain not well thought things. So I prefer to work for the print edition, but also write some notes to the digital. I believe in well-written notes and developed, rather than those written in haste. Additionally, online journalists often do not check the information, which is fundamental.
What is unique to digital media is the level of speed, quickness and communication you have.
Is it different for an online media owner to half that figure?
The concept should be the same. Ie, has a direct title and summarize the most of the concept of the note. It is true that the graph has several elements to help understand the title as the slope and the flywheel, but the concept should be the same.
How important is it to Clarín interactivity with the reader?
is important to us, so the newspaper has implemented many mechanisms that have to do with communication and contact with the reader. Achieved a breakthrough with the publication of the mails of each editor or publisher, in which one began to know what that requires the reader and his opinion about what you write. Time ago, this was unthinkable.
How important is language hypertext?
is indispensable. The broader journalistic supply, the better. Almost always there is a concept or theme in a story that deserves to be expanded to be better understood by the reader.
But there are times when the reader, have many links to other subjects, it can lose, especially if some of these pages no longer exist. Do you think so?
Is that true, but let's get to the other end and do not put any hyperlink. The effect will be much more negative in this way if the reader is lost of information. In any case if this happens, the player goes "back" and the issue is solved. However, not the other way. So any news provided online must possess at least a hyperlink to the reader is not left only with that information.
How is the task of making the live tracking of every sporting event?
That's one advantage, secrets and self-sacrifices of digital media. The minute track is spectacular, but needs to be fast, which is not an easy task. Has an advantage over the media, this information remains, which on television and radio, no.
What is your opinion about online media that are paid?
publisher I know of no payment that is superior to many other means, so I think it is not for paying a money for that.
When they began to use the multimedia space in the newspaper?
about 6 years ago was implemented in a serious and routine. At first I successfully applied the videos, since they had a fairly long duration that produced bore the reader and does not see the whole finished. From my point of view a video in an online journal should last a maximum of two minutes.
How extensive or long should be a news for digital media?
I do not have to have more than 40 lines, and text to be short, easy and quick to read, not reading complex in order not to complicate the one who is reading much in the same media. Notes can be issued more than 4,000 characters, but in certain circumstances. Some have time to read, but most people who come online are not looking for that. So many stories are in the number of characters that they have to let the reader know if you have the time or not.
How many journalists working in Clarí
are about 50 editors, but in addition to the directors and designers, get to 80 professionals.
Is it important that the breaking news hour bearing the subtitle?
I think so, put the time in the news and the so-called "minute by minute" in the coverage of important events, and adds support to the online edition, no doubt. I believe in thoroughness, which can be quicker and faster to compete with the competition, but only if the information is handled very seriously.
Do you think that in future the printed newspaper will disappear?
for nothing. After the explosion of digital media, back in 2001, which lowered the sale of printed well in worldwide sales now up again, but people also continue to seek information on the Web constantly.
Why do you think that sales picked up again?
Many people believed that online media might have it all. He found many things, but found no analysis, full notes and journalistic rigor does possess the role.
With the overabundance of information and the ease with which people post something online, what care should be a journalist before publishing a story?
The same reporters who had more than 80, 90 and 100 years. The background check and corroboration with all the sources involved in a particular fact is fundamental. You should never take things for known or from defining what "I" think they are. That task must perform all those involved in this profession, from the less experienced editor to editor in any medium for journalism. Everyone should have the same degree of responsibility to the news and to the reader.
Friday, June 15, 2007
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He said in order to explain the fundamental aspects that must be taken into account when writing for a publisher. He also stressed the concepts of hypertext and interactivity with the reader. Soledad
QALY journalist said that the primary role to be fulfilled by a publisher is to build trust with the reader. He did it in a workshop organized by the University Belgrano for journalism students second year on 15 May. "Being on the Internet looking at all times be the first to get the scoop, because people ask that, you run the risk of publishing information that is not real. So you should always check the information, "he argued. Avacado began working on in 2000 by a internship Belgrano University, where she received her degree in Journalism. Publisher said this was the first to exist in Argentina, in late 1995, and had several redesigns that have until now. In plain language, illustrated Avacado saying that "working in the middle between about 30 professionals spread over three shifts (morning, afternoon and evening), and two people stay overnight. This is specifically for those living in other parts of the world and can find the site updated. "
Asked one of the students on what is the difference between writing in a digital environment in a graphical way, the communicator replied: "In the digital newspaper add extra seasoning on paper can not. The two highlights of an online media is interactivity with the reader and the fusion of graphics, radio and television in the same group. "However, said he did not believe the printed newspaper will disappear, but that in future the two newsrooms will work together.
On the issue of interactivity with the reader, developed: "In an online environment is achieved by constant feedback with the reader, and through forums, polls, chats and blogs , readers will find their space. This is one of the tools that is used in a digital diary, since it is an instantaneous thing: the reader reads the note and if you liked it or not, leave a comment. "Moreover, added that the concept of hypertext is essential for the Internet.
While several videos were broadcast on some contents Special LaNacion made by the journalist said: "When we started to enter multimedia content , especially videos, we were quite long. Then we realized that online readers do not see them finished. The same applies to the notes: When you write a note to the newspaper, for example, 5,000 characters, for a publisher is advisable to simplify to 1,500 because people do not finish reading because they prefer a short and precise reading about the facts. "
Monday, May 28, 2007
Foot Pain Rollerblading
Care Royo-Bloggers, you are a unique opportunity ...
Jean Baudrillard: the joy of living. Aesthetics and politics of the virtual (Code 124)Denia, from 09 to 13 July
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy
Principal Course: Ms Teresa Oñate and Zubía Secretary: D. Ignacio Castro Course Summary:
This course is dedicated to the figure and thought of Jean Baudrillard, one of the leading representatives of post-postmodern, died on 6 March in Paris at age 77 . With him we lose the most lucid and expressive critic of the war capitalism and consumption in contemporary society nihilistic image. Some pressing problems of the philosopher's books starring: cyber warfare and imaginary virtual reality, the operation of drills, the languages \u200b\u200band processes of advertising, the political will rhizome production oriented to seduction, the emergence of the singular and the need, everywhere, to open the mystery between the cracks pornographic Cosic and utopia The hyper-transparent, the power of hell, the freezing of memory and, ultimately, aesthetic ontology of the image, poured into its many fetishes and fantasies. This summer course, which will be attended by Paul Virilio and Gianni Vattimo, along with other young thinkers, it is proposed to pay profound homage to the philosopher Jean Baudrillard through the only duel that would please this Nietzschean: read and critically discuss their books to learn the aesthetic illusion and disillusion of living in the complexity of our present.
Course Contents: Monday July 9 17:00
A moralist dangerous. Speaker: Ignacio Castro Rey. Philosophy. 18:30
American Vertigo: the world as a desert and prophylaxis. Speaker: Germain Cano. Filosofía.Universidad of Alcala de Henares. Madrid. Tuesday July 10 10:00
Mock and virtuality: the magic of the fetish. Speaker: Simón Royo. Philosophy. UNED. 12:00
From production to Seduction: Baudrillard's Marxism. Speaker: Francisco José Martínez. Philosophy. UNED. 16:00
media production of violence. Speaker: José Carlos Aguirre. Journalism, Generation XXI María Jesús Hermoso. Philosophy. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 18:00
films. Speaker: Wednesday July 11 10:00
pictures entirety. Approaching Baudrillar ontologies, Badiou and Deleuze. Speaker: Luis Villacañas. Philosophy. University of Valencia. 12:00
Investing Platonism: the mystery of shadows. Rapporteur: Ms. Teresa Oñate. Philosophy: UNED.
FREE AFTERNOON. Speaker: Thursday July 12 10:00
The Art of desapación. Speaker: Pablo Perez. Philosophy. University Antonio Nebrija. 12:00
Bataille uses. Speaker: Miguel Morey. Philosophy. University of Barcelona. 16:00
The melancholy of things. Aesthetic and rhetorical communication companies. Speaker: Francisco Arenas. Philosophy. Unversitat of Valencia. 18:00
Roundtable. Speaker: Friday July 13 10:00
Image, simulation, interpretation;: Towards a postmodern ethics. Speaker: Gaetano Chiurazzi. Philosophy. University of Torino. 11:30
Title to be confirmed. Rapporteur: Ms. Christine Bucy Glucksmann. Philosophy. University Paris VII. 13:30
Monday, May 7, 2007
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Devotees Royo-Bloggers,
There was something wonderful, posh decidedly modern spectral : the UCM gives us the best possible gifts. Finally, what we were all waiting for is now a reality ... It turns out that the followers dominecabrólogos can finally enjoy of VIDEO Simón Royo in "on demand", accessible from any computer.
Sullen Simón Royo appears here with Isidoro Reguera (professor of philosophy at Extremadura). This is the link through which you can experience the "chivosofía" with sensory splendor that surpasses that of The Fountain Aronofsky of or herself brothers trilogy Wachowsky : Ways of Philosophy .
God, do not miss this little horns tousled hair you head out the bellicose Silenus karateka. Ignore if peek under the table legs hairy goat faun or a trident tail, but ragged Antisthenes of UNED is a wasted talent. How is that this year's Oscar our gallant not accompanied the royal "sexygenaria" Helen Mirren in her cleavage generously Lacroix fabulous champagne color? The estilazo of Simonet, know to be the domain of the scene, their harmonious rendering Shakespearian language had not jarred by this lady ... Attention, Hollywood: a star is born!
It is in this state of psychedelia when we come "bareback" This text Simonet cut-and-pasted to PSIKEBA , pompously titled
Postmodernism and deconstruction, the field of spectrality
Text 2
"We must pay close attention to size external and apparel good arrangement, and then selecting fifteen or, at most, twenty terms penthouses and learning them thoroughly, have them ready at the tip of the tongue (...) and scatter over all speech as a soft (...). seasoning Then, mysterious and strange words, rarely spoken by speakers of the past and bringing them to you, select it before and asaetea with them to the masses that come to you . So you look to the common people and take account of culture as something wonderful that overflows (...). If you make solecisms or barbarian, the boldness is the only remedy and be always ready a name that not one, not of now, neither of those before, is a poet or prose writer, saying that he, an educated man, very meticulous in his way of speaking, used the term "(Luciano de Samosata Works II. 'The master of rhetoric. "Gredos 1988, pp.16-17).
course, Simonet ! curative health! Now, please look for a few minutes the video!
Make click here to watch the video independent
much suffering to hear him talk! These "eeeehheess" everlasting between each word, the insecure attack each syllable, the Zace distressed, the wreck badly read each paragraph of these pages to which Simon clings desperately as Bottom rehearsing "Pyramus and Thisbe ": in short, another example of mental pie ...
Joseph K. Greetings
articulatory Fouls:
- Simonet, by-fa, and you spend all day babbling about Sloterdijk placentas spherical, what if at least pronounce his name right?? It is not " esloterdich " but " esloterdeik ." Listen to Reguera ...
- do not miss out, Royo-Bloggers , the monumental mess that is Domine Cabra the name of the saint Hildegard von Bingen [23'03''minutes of the video].
Sunday, April 29, 2007
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Dear Bloggers Royo,
When we have altísono put the title "The Death of Socrates." To illustrate, and as we are subsumed in the vast Matrix the outlaw world of image-have copy-paste up a picture of Jean-Fronçois Peyron (1787), also known as well and will soon accompany the yearbook headlines UNED, since the great Socrates of this institution, reincarnated in the present aeon under the avatar Simón Royo Diogenes - are suffering the same torments that the great Athenian Silenus ... And is that the world is moving at such a grand "humanitarian tragedy "as they say in the news, which far exceeds the Darfur.
Returning the thread of a analysis Royo-Blogger made a couple of weeks ago on this article, we highlight this passage. We are honored, that's the truth, that the boy Rebelde Way we spend these " ἔ πεα πτερόεντα" Shakespearean echoes:
not aggressive global macro and micro of the capitalist world is new , is human and has surfaced at different times and on all continents. It is the envy the slander, and l scorn, the mockery the resentment and all that ego pathology Today there are more exacerbated than ever in the era of constant stress. In our time nihilistic any realization is disqualified and de-legitimized in advance for those who do not act but never constructively, or vegetate between the apathy of conspicuous consumption and slave labor, or act in their free time with rage and destructiveness , the passions which maintains the camouflaged under the guise of a vehement criticism .
From here to save you time-and-I outlines the contents of the article:
- title of the essay triadic simonesco, whose equivalents are:
- " submission to power" = all the inhabitants of the West, renegades, nihilists, cowards or any being subsumed in the cobwebs of -Capitalism Matrix ... I mean, we all Simon least
- " power of ideas" = to be brief, the ideas of Simon .
- "re-enchantment of the world " = frasecilla that Simon borrows Morris Berman (The Reenchantment Of The World, 1981) to boast of his good feelings. The Messiah gives us the "good news" in living word. Claims
- axiomatic Simon :
- The world is a gelatinous cyclostyle of Plato's cave :
- " We are immersed in a sort of subtle totalitarianism in which the real has disappeared supplanted by the image and the simulation of a life away "
- The world is a Götterdämerung dye Cainites:
- " But today's world, instead of the path of cooperation, friendship and harmony, leading the ship on the planet towards catastrophe of shipwreck, steeped in selfishness, war and strife everywhere "
- When, thanks to computers and the Internet, the production of written material already stored is more than three hundred million times all that is published in the history of mankind are some who say that the word is dead . Then Simon copy-graze a small sphere Sloterdijk soap-alias - which, to an amazing year of post-it glue augur, predicts:
- " For the establishment media of mass culture in the First World in 1918 with radio and television after 1945, with and even through the current network speed, the coexistence of people in this society has re-established on new bases. And not to do a great effort to see that these bases are decidedly post-literary, post-epistolográficas and, consequently, post-humanistic . "
Once diagnosed the ills of this vale of tears in which we live and developed their causes, namely, the excess of "narrative" Derridian of the media / Matrix-, the great redeemer Pharmaka is obliged to point out what may be the way of salvation to dispel the darkness of our minds alienated by the subtle totalitarianism welfare. On the de facto totalitarian , as usual, no word ...
That's when Simonastro descends from heaven with a "new dialectic." Forget the scheme thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Hegel -forgiveness, "Jejel," as the Oñate- has undergone a strange mutation. As pointed out above, to find ourselves in the "post" to ensure the body of humanity, can only cling to straws of coincidentia oppositorum . Now " Jejel-Royo" wrote:
" Such evidence implies the difficulty of deciding between the two possibilities, which makes it advisable to work double, seemingly contradictory, but that may well be seen as complementary, a work dilemma, like that of any dialectic, but without abandoning synthesizable of all none of the two concepts at stake. We refer to consistent to be enlightened postmodern left and left, while and in the same direction . This twofold option is divided into a plurality of different positions that could well have nothing more in common than character spaces for anti-globalization opposed to imperialism and capitalism.
So anti-humanism, humanism and post-humanism , would be the terms to be combined into a new dialectic that does not annul the first two theses to make synthesis. "
Overcoming impossible opposites then passes to a macrocosmic scale (beyond time and space). Now Royo-bloggers, you must close your eyes ... and ponder, as Brahma , an eternal sleep beyond the limits of mechanical squid capitalists Matrix (or was it vice versa?). Well, at any rate:
" The same happens to want to attribute a Cronos time for the truth and always place it in history, when the latter, if any, belongs first to a full-time at Aion , to Eternity, where there are no hierarchies and where there is no contradiction "
Oh, and the old distinction between Kronos and K hron . The first is the Saturn devouring his children, who consume nature, we capitalized: the Time is money. The other is Aion, Elam King of eternity, the spring Protogenes: Simon is throbbing meat ...
And so we reach the third and final section of his article, whose peak umbrella is the "re-enchant the world" by the symbiosis magician Aion-Simon-Christ-Socrates :
" Pity we know that it always produces s benefactors of mankind passed deprivation, have been the cam R cel or torture, have been persecuted and mistreated. We also produce distress that well-fed bourgeois sold today are mortgaging their stock capital celebrated in and consume surface knowledge and art of those whose main value lies in not having given in to blackmail to which they yield to daily. But joy has to report the finding that the creative impulse that is manifested at all levels and in the background is inalienable, as embodied in the policy becomes established, giving a revolutionary leap that unsettles the mind and opens a porveni r . "
At this point it is essential to distinguish the wise given the miserable sophia of neoliberal sophistes sold to the highest bidder. In short:
- Socrates / true philosopher "falsifier of views" and "purification of the soul" / philosopher pursued = Aion => Simon vs.
- Sophists / "merchants of knowledge" / capitalist / squid-eating Saturn Matrix = children => we
But we can not finish today's post without giving the beautiful-just-real-Simon Aion poetic side that makes our blink tear excitedly:
" An intelligence without kindness, without Beauty is like a rose without petals only thorns, while goodness and Beauty without intelligence is like a pink plastic, something beautiful from afar but up close reveals odorless and tasteless. The shadow of an education is that, according to legend, came to meet Socrates, the wisest man in Greece who stated ignorant. Spectrum approach to keeping its fragrance is best for both people and for individuals . "
that neither Dante Empyrean ... And speaking of all this, what about philosophy in this article? What does it again? What have you discovered? Why? How? Why? What?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
2006 Dodge Grand Caravan Mpg
Thanks, Georg , for your contribution ... We were running
is true that the lack of free time hounding us all. Yes, I am a slave who works, who have a partner, who has a family, have friends ... An unfortunate that "buy capitalistically" books, some DVDs, watching TV, going to the cinema, she laughs with South Park . Come on, a nihilistic subsumed fledged ... So we loosened a little rhythm. Now let
Georg talk, but first we would like to add that when one writes criticizing everything God as you do, Simon - it is logical that one is exposed and the judgments of others. Because when affirm that there are many passages undemocratic, anti-Semitic, sexist or homophobic in your writings, Simon , we do bringing the fragments in question. Nothing offense at it because we discussed ideas.
Well, now transcribe the comments of Georg :
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
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- Georg said ...
Care, Royo-bloggers, URGENT:
Lately I've gone missing something (As the last anonymous comment, that will certainly give you reasons to Simonet to think that what happens to me is that piece work), but fortunately the wait has been rewarded, and I just learned that on Wednesday March 28, between 10:30 and 10:45 pm in the headquarters of the U-Ned of the old Pious Schools (c / Tribulete, 14) , Madrid will have occasion to see a new exaltation of the puppet that already caricature known only to himself and his father the facade.
Indeed, Simonastro have left him there to talk about "The hermeneutic foundation of a post-humanist style of reading and writing between Heidegger and Derrida: an ethical issue " (as you see, the title alone and promises) in the XV Congress of the English Association of Ethics and Political Philosophy.
If anyone goes, do not forget to give a thorough account of what guesses to get caught between the stuttering self-conscious of Dominie-Cabral (For starters: Do not you see some amusing paradox that a semi-dyslexic as he is attracted to the issue of literacy, the teaching that the poor thing has always been , which unsolvable mystery, beyond its capacity?).
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Yugioh Yugioh Mmorpg Jogo Mmorpg Gratuito!?
Really, Royo-Bloggers, you're great! Thanks for your comments tasty crops of wit. We just wanted to highlight what one of you has warned us about the upcoming performance of Quevedo Royo-Dominecabra and mountain archpriest Dona Teresa Oñate .
Viz March 23, in UCM , situation and discourse ( live performance of Royo Simon and Teresa Oñate )
In the Renaissance and Baroque painting "bubbles "appear in the compositions dedicated to the vanitas : bubble reminds us of the shortness of life, which bursting bubble.
In the words of your feedback, is quite true that there is nothing like "verbose" on a philosopher with an unpronounceable name: Peter Sloterdijk . From Sacrobosco (Fig. up irzquierda, frontispiece De Sphera ) no one has taken much advantage of the "marbles" bubbles, balloons and areas comprising the corpus of this "come-Seseras" Teutonic as you know. That is when an intellectual career has Falstaff face drunkard, who once was a follower of Osho guru. No Comments! Poor things
Blub! Oops, already burst the bubble! Do you hear?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Good Hemoglobin Low Iron
Blogs, also known as weblogs, are websites consisting of individual files that are updated regularly and are organized in chronologically, the most recent appearing first. The author has the ability to speak, and beneath each article, readers can write comments. One feature that distinguishes blogs from news sites is that publications often include links to other sites as reference or for further information added.
The blog phenomenon began to be used when David Winer posted his first entry into the site Scripting News on April 1, 1997. From this date, the blog has grown enormously and had a great cultural, economic, social, political and media. So much so that today there are over 62 million. Created 175,000 new daily personal sites worldwide.
The spread of the blog was a little slow at first. Two years after its creation, there were only about 20 and were used by journalists and programmers. But everything changed after 1999, because in that year appeared the first free tools for production and maintenance of weblogs: in March, "Live Journal" in July, "Pitas" and "Blogger" (later becomes part of Google), in August. Since then, the weblog becomes popular.
According to the website of newspaper El Mundo of Spain, America Online bought the company commercial weblogs network Weblogs Inc. in October 2005 in exchange for 25 million dollars. This opened a new stage in the blogosphere because, currently, the major portion of the online editions of the various means of communication among its contents incorporated weblogs.
David Winer never have imagined that the blog would achieve such a development. Today is the only means of communication skills to express personal opinions and at the same time, communicate with other communities and cultures totally different. The keys to its success: it's free, fun and very easy to use.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
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Greetings, Royo-Bloggers ,
Sorry but the real work and burdens not lead us to better pace this blog ...
almost ignored us, our "cleric blowgun" masters these days is March ( theoretically days 1, 8 and 15 ), imparting his wisdom by UCM .
Immodesty our blowgun cleric is reflected in "its". Thanks to him know how we "ino-Culan" evil ideologies. Thanks to him you'll be so critical to have scarcity of criteria for life ...
********************************************* **************************
Simón Royo Program Dominecabra : info/eurotheo/master/programme/P2.htm
MODULE P2 about the dialectic between "thought and image." The first, which considers them as opposites, conceiving the image as the vehicle inoculation of ideology and mental manipulation, if not as a means of over-determination and creation of subjectivities gregarious. The second, which regards them as complementary, making the image as the pinnacle of thought, not its lowest place, as a way to achieve a view of breaking with the established and to ensure that show that refuses to be stated or conveyed by other means. From this dialectical framework generally will affect the presentation of specific cases that exemplify the above almost in theory, the basis for it to mass media and films of today.
(Note: The program is organized by topics, with specific references and recommended in all specific film some of the same. Attached is accessible online material and the rest will be provided during the course. It can be kept as general references provided above).
04. The aesthetic image and image as a commodity. The blurring of reality by the action of the machine.
07. The determination of the imaginary by the mass media and imagination as an anomaly. Possibilities for critical image and thought in a globalized world.
08. Iconographic variations: the use of picture of the historical and mythical. Messianism, leadership and dictatorship. Theories of genius to the defense of the singularity. The cult of the actor. The ranking of the eye and imagination of the flock. Power the media-political lie.
09. For a critique of sentimental education. Analytical and dialectical senses the image of reality. The image as a tradition of thought synaesthesia taxation or drill a look blind.
10. Summary and conclusions.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Air India Flight 187 Status
Dear Readers,
Simonet is going to have to acknowledge that we are fast becoming a star on the internet. A kind Royo-Blogger wrote us speak of the existence of this web
In principle
Cafexpan Forum is on the line of thought of Simón Royo Hernández
. However, we have "copipasteado" what is said because there is quite revealing. As podréeis read below is curious to see again and again how certain izkierda-anarcho-radikal, which is so-so liberal, always saturates in violence, sexism and homophobia recalcitrant ... And, on the left, they have absolutely nothing: that is the question. Oh and one more thing: NO Simonet He was number one in their opposition ... No way! Regards, Joseph K. ****************************************
Text from
You " know him? Do you know anything about him?
· · ·
THE LEFTY: F3n + royo & submit = Search & start = 0 & type =% 5C5
· · ·
filled with explosive inaccuracies that can hover very possibly as reagents or punched outbursts literal-), although his words are less appropriate for left
· · ·
Finally, the solution of the solution, the perfect escape route for the woes of our Simonastro!
Yes, folks. Cast a glance at the latest issue of the journal Psikeba (
I find the primerito, with what appears to be an article more than filonazi son. And one begins to tremble: what absents spelling again will not make our semi-illiterate arrogant? What attacks grammar does not perpetrate homophobic, sexist and thuggish friend of the Oñate and Quentin? What thrashing to rationality and common sense do not undertake this self-conscious, full of childhood trauma that (hopefully) not to transmit to their progeny (which, incidentally, we want a happier childhood than the son of Dad Falangist) ?
One trembles to all these perspectives. And, however, one enters the link provided (
SR_posmodernidad_espectralidad.htm) ... and there it is, the solution of the answers! Now explain why.
Of course, anyone still doubt that Simon will not be martyred by reading regularly? Does anyone hesitates about what is our homunculus afectadito the ideas that shuffle here? Well, if it is anyone with such hesitation, Here we are with that in the above test Psikeba appears that Simon tests, under protest, can only read us and keep us in mind.
Well in that article (title as pompous and useless as ever: "Post-modernism and deconstruction: the field of spectral"), Simonet found the solution to your worries. "What did these smart-ass of Royo-Blog is unbeatable believe their extensive knowledge and expertise with your argumentative? What is think, write what I write, always look at the results a reflection of my disabilities intellect?" Is Simon once told us, while trying to clean the teeth to avoid halitosis continuous. "POS I HAVE THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR REVIEW POSSIBLE WITHOUT leave! INTERTEXTUALITY The solution is called."
And there it is. Ana Rosa Quintana which a revived, as if the lamentabilísima also Lucía Etxebarria it were, Simon Royo and definitely has opted for plagiarism, pure and simple (something which, as we showed in his day our worthy host, Joseph K., be exercised by the copycat. .. from his own father the Falangist!).
Of course, Simon wraps this time his inability to articulate four ideas in order and not screw it up, in an alleged "choice" word ... of others. The others are cited (with which plagiarism is not so much, I said, maybe he would think that here, many 'post-modernism, the happy "intertextuality"). But above all, one gets a lot beneficial results that could not fail to excite the vaguete this, funded by the UNED (however, Simonet, tremble, tremble, that in a few inches months and you ended your cushy bequita ... and have to return your dark guard booth, poor you!). Come with these benefits:
- First, do not bother to think, just open any book at random (it even "The Thousand and One Nights"! No kidding me: look at the text number 7) , and copy textit it.
- Secondly, if the copy is done with some care (or with a simple copy / paste "), kicking goodbye to spelling as Simonian, goodbye to syntax errors as symptomatic of mental deficiency!.
- Thirdly, as this procedure is possible to write 3 or 4 articles a day ... which, multiplied by the number of days left to our Dominie-Cabra until the grant runs out, you mean ... Hundreds and hundreds of publications to fill his bloodless curriculum, pa 'see if that makes you fall in a few months a small square of teacher aide, bountiful granted either by the fat of the Oñate, either by Quentin paranoid !
In short, it says: the settlement of the solutions, the perfect escape route for the troubles our Simonastro!
---- I can not resist other information transmitted here recently reached my ears. Apparently Simonastro is so affected by a page like this, which has relied on the advice of his "friends" (well, what he calls friends ... until you have with them traumatic experiences such as those described here: http: / /
amistadsimon1.htm ... "by the way, Joseph, someday, will you comment on that text, do not you think? In my opinion the most significant and all that autodesvelador Simonet projected onto its ordenata when you type so lourdily as you type).
Well, let that go. I was telling you that is crazy Simonastro asking your friends how you can end up with a page like this, which is doing tremendous damage to its reputation (imaginaoos means any person to read something of yours, and you can think of to find his name Then Google, inevitably encounters this page full of joke and intellectual level, which is likely ... that his opinion is irretrievably Simonastro marked from then on.)
months ago that Simon gave instructions that nobody came in here to defend (as this meant that we did some case, and, who knows Stalinist techniques, Simon preferred hassling pretending not existed, we did not deserve their exalted or dialogue). It is evident that the first tactic, otherwise quite childish, has unfortunate results: with or without abogadetes abogadetes Simon, here we pasándonoslo great, learning from each other delighting in short, true to the classic Latin and "Castigat ridendo mores. "
The upshot of all this is that now Simon and his "friends" are planning to adopt another tactic. I explain: it would, no less, who reported to the police-Police-Polizei. (Who was going to tell us! The anarchist, the rebel, the revolutionary ... Using the police little help from mom when children laugh at him in the park!).
But to have that complaint had indeed committed a crime would here. Something that, for now, does not occur or unlikely to occur. A Simon and the lights of his friends have come up with then ... commit the crime themselves in this page, to accuse us after that, to achieve that we close the playground! Relax, we're talking about a crime relatively simple: to reveal, for example, the road outside our Dominie-Goat, or disclose any other information that is private an offense against the law ...
In short, if you observe anything unusual in this blog soon, you can suspect that, perhaps, who is writing not only our fellow blowpipe, in one of his remaining free time between copieteo and copieteo of "intertextualities "with which" publish "their articles poshmodernos. We are warned. But in the meantime, to have fun!