Air India Flight 187 Status
GOAT ON OUR "MOMOS" SIMON ROYO ROYO Dear Readers, Simonet is going to have to acknowledge that we are fast becoming a star on the internet. A kind Royo-Blogger wrote us speak of the existence of this web (you have to go to the middle of the page to find the section on Simon Μωμος
In principle
Cafexpan Forum is on the line of thought of Simón Royo Hernández
. However, we have "copipasteado" what is said because there is quite revealing. As podréeis read below is curious to see again and again how certain izkierda-anarcho-radikal, which is so-so liberal, always saturates in violence, sexism and homophobia recalcitrant ... And, on the left, they have absolutely nothing: that is the question. Oh and one more thing: NO
Simonet He was number one in their opposition ...
No way! Regards, Joseph K.
Text from
In the last week I found the name of one Simon Royo in a lot of sites. I think it is a philosopher (preparing a thesis with Quentin Racine), while working as a night watchman at the UNED. Looks like you have fans to use their fists against all materialistic buenista that his path (Gustavo Bueno followers have created a blog to put a stock : http:/
) . I think that also publishes things.
You " know him? Do you know anything about him?
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I'm reading the link attached and to hallucinate, Simon (A Travis counsel? "for that for night ... what a shame that it came to us not the forum instead of Dunkeleches: it seems more substantial in Magin-) and those who attack it. It seems all very apocalyptic. Perhaps SR is from his position as an usher at the UNED Abimael Guzman in his time Teachers: What will something decent of it? (Ie, a fanatical guerrilla-shaking Madrid).
I read with delight all trifulka.
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REBELLION SR items (I'm in full research on this subject) F3n + royo & submit = Search & start = 0 & type =% 5C5 F3n + royo & submit = Search & start = 0 & type = 5
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HUBERT: Look where I'm going to add this splash royista or royiano. A type buenistas shaking the can not be a bad guy. I go diving in .
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THE LEFTY: Juanjo Since I discovered the subject, I have been researching and sniffing and I've read thirty articles enrroyados.
The conclusion I draw is that, in part, their antagonists buenófilos are right to call it a subject too absorbed in books and unreceptive to reality. I see it as a ultrateórico, fundamentalist Marxism (in Marxist marxistonto marxistón and then, the slide is short). Castellated in its dogmas (Marx Taliban as the Falange Independiente were the Primo and the Taliban themselves of the Koran), the temporary vicissitudes not make a dent. Da gustito when, from their dogmas, da sticks diseases of affluence (gays, lesbians, feminists caviar ...) or put in the trash rather than to explain certain attitudes proletarian fights now considered in poor taste by Empyrean politically correct and economically well off (and possibly abuse), or remember certain vindication anticolonial partially buried today by postmodern eclecticism, or shit on Oriana Fallaci (something always welcome), or attacking the media with real leftist platitudes (platitudes always welcome at a time when we insist on seeing the trash media as something valid and justifiable "to Chavez and Castro played to it in his buffoonish telegenic treatment with the masses-) or ugly gesture of Arafat giving blood for the victims of the Twin Towers (the only one who has publicly than Mendes). But when she sticks to Stalin from Marxist vulgate (not Marx, after all, is unknown what would have discussed the real daddy KM of Georgian-) or Leni Riefenstahl from the vulgate sontagiana (Even guess at something when called "dumb" : the girl had a plastic and theatrical talent but discurridor Magin is rather limited, as is clear in his memoirs, particularly interesting to see the hypocrisy of the victors perfidy and talks on the subject to debug but certainly lacking any transcendent reflection when compared with the memories of EJ or Céline books or the "Gilles" of Drieu, Riefenstahl would not exceed the height of the chimpanzee that write scripts to Krusty the Clown-) or speaks of Nietzsche (his other weakness along with Marx, but ideological weakness corsets controlled more or less correct: Maybe because its night watchman Travis visceral long for a total Nietzsche, hulkiano, seamless, but inconvenient to move around the maze left university
? -) From the reductionism batailliano / Deleuzian (Nietzsche good, liberal, fun, nothing attitudes conducive to predatory, antimatter-brown version I think Nietzsche's version transcends both Bataille and Deleuze as reductionism otherwise initiated by his sister and brother, both reductions are partly right and therefore are lying if they are intended as absolute-), I can detect what your flight aliquot.
I find a dead no output at its end so as his detested Gustavo Bueno. I prefer by far the syncretic attitude Verstrynge rojiparda of the neo-Stalinist Fernandez Ortiz or the teacher's ideological becoming lucid Zinoviev. Go to the bottom of things, with one foot in training and another meta constant immersion in the real (including their own etopeya-SR, by contrast, seems to delight in its dogmatic to close in tight a possible cabinet
filled with explosive inaccuracies that can hover very possibly as reagents or punched outbursts literal-), although his words are less appropriate for left slogans.
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ELDERLY: Simón Royo is friends with a good friend of mine. He earned first place in Spain in opposition to high school teacher and turned down the job to devote more time to philosophy, using as a night watchman. You can say, as almost all commentators of this coffee heretical, that is "crazy"
, very healthy in terms. In these dark times the worst alienation is normal.
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