Royo, We have stated on many occasions that Simón Royo rant only knows about itself. At this point you know that your little article with a mirror Her autoidolatría shamelessness that embarrasses all who lose their time reading. But the case before us today borders on the paranoid ...
begins to have dreams of Nobel Prize
This article
The intellectual work of Nobel prizes Literature: Sartre, Pasternak and Günter Grass
Boris Pasternak. Poor thing ...
Rousseau, Rousseau again ... Here is an example! We assume The Royo-Bloggers you have at heart the aforementioned biography of apostle of tolerance and education Edenic. Juan Jacobo married a maid and seamstress named Thérèse Levasseur, with whom he had five children. His own offspring was not as well treated as "Emilio" novel and sent to Hospice of terrible Enfants-trouvés. Great gesture if we consider that in those days even had an infant mortality rate exceeding 80%. Oh, these intellectuals encouraging abortion to their partners or ignore their children. A magnificent specimen, yes sir. Right, Simon ?
noble After finishing this stage of humanity, capitalism spawned heinous, among other cataclysms, the institution of the Nobel Prizes . Of course it is undeniable that Fortune obtained by dynamite is questionable, but systematically extend the macula of the doubt until the winners seems a bit overdone. We also agree with Simon many awards, especially those of literature and peace-are contaminated by political inclinations and, therefore, we can discuss its relevance or not, the same way that we can question the allocation of grants won by graduate plug meanest politicking. Right, Simon ? With this rhetoric, Simonet tells us that the only awarded the Nobel are deserving of respect and
Reasons the rejection of such a large and prestigious
both are subject to hermeneutic guesses on the conscience of intellectual, then adding one more, at least very likely, those concerned with speculation about the subjectivity of the great men worthy to undertake actions, we propose to consider that such refusal could well have an intimate relationship with the general principles of a communist
Anyway, here begins the drift of your item. But let us first evaluate the figure of Sartre
and then we look at the hapless
seems not worth trying on the work of Jean-Paul Sartre
However, as Simonet speaks of the coherence between the work and intellectual life, it might be interesting to go over the path close to the famous existentialist squint. To do this, we suggest reading the book tasty Hazel Rowley entitled
Sartre and Beauvoir. story of a couple, published by Lumen. That is when we realize the hypocrisy of those figures that are revered in proportion to the degree of pettiness private. Many liberals say that they practiced "free love" or they were not constrained by the "moral decadence of bourgeois society." One can take a suburban lot with anyone, in this blog have always defended the happiness and choice each sex, "but hide behind the freedom does not justify the repeated psychological abuse of people or hurt them with free amoral. The aristocratic feminist bisexual and licentious toad destroyed the lives of many people who "believed" in them, especially the lives of their students, which humiliated and exchanged abject psychological advantage in playing games of his renown academic and political status. Not to mention the cowardice of Sartre
Michelle Vian, ex-wife of Boris Vian
, and he aborted it, meanwhile, was so richly trip leaving her alone in a trance so hard for any woman. A true sign of ethics and integrity. Right, Simon
*** Finally we have to talk about Boris Pasternak . Either would add to the impeccable personal and artistic career of this gentleman. Great poet, translator master Shakespeare and Rilke -work had to be undertaken by economic urgency due to pressure from the regime that forbade him to publish his own work as normal, and, of course, the unforgettable novel author Dr . Zhivago. What happens here is that Simon Royo as a brazen lie by asserting that:
The greatest hero of rejection towards the purchase and sale of works of art by twentieth-century capitalism was undoubtedly Pasternak, whom the
capitalist slander when they say he refused the prize for fear of being deported ? Hell, Simon
Simonet has a unique and privileged information "provided by perhaps
catervita of Rebellion
all know that among some intellectuals awards sometimes third the Tongo by shopkeeper editorial intervention, especially when the good ones are held in capitalist lands. So always whisper the gossip in the intellectual, the ones everybody talks bad about everyone and where, between lying basilisk and creeping slime insult bestiary, is said occasionally some truth such as, for example, between the famous awards Anagram Test, it is always better than the winning runner.
is a great sport in the world egotistical and narcissistic and entertainment capital, television and parliament are a bad example, something else to throw up poisons that recipient. For all the putrid slime basilisks, as they are, is to assert what Socrates once said: no wonder that the donkeys bray or often they release a kick. Nor should we wonder if we braying or coceamos, but strange and unacceptable is that we bray the wise.
It ridiculous to them a society like ours, the mass
" - in the etymological sense of the Greek word, which only indicates to any individual, he thinks he has the right to judge those who are not. The reason is that the world worship the golden calf is no longer judged as a citizen before the tribunal of reason, but as a client in the court of the consumer, a larger sample and a demonstration palpable that the place of politics has taken the market. A disturbance with dire consequences in all spheres of life.
*** Misspellings:
Über die * *
Wille in der Natur
. Oh, that German! When will a short course in the Goethe Institut
funded with some of those scholarships that give you?
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