Today's texts are brought it up: About our involuntary involvement with savage capitalism. I do not know but they do of Simón Royo .
Durant da Ponte, "The Image of America",
Hispania, Vol 47, No. 1 (Mar. 1964), p. 111-114 that you can download in PDF format (705 Kb) from here
Royo-Bloggers, Sorry
inactivity of our blog these days, but we are short of time. Also we wish to say thanks-a
and all the others for your insights and comments.
We intend to address in today's post criticism of the last article published Simón Royo for Rebelión ( The intellectual work of Nobel prizes / noticia.php? id = 44330), but following the letter of Georg
we thought better to continue talking about the strange ideological link between Simón Royo-proclaimed anarcho-communist and his father Platonic Falangist Rodrigo Royo .
As we explained
, the Freudian
rejection by his father Simon is absurdly paradoxical if one stops to compare the attitudes and writings of both. So today we will address this thorny issue an article comparing Simón Royo that when we read it first seemed absolutely bland but, by chance, we discovered it is a total plagiarism piece written by his father . Hence its interest.
*** 's article Da Ponte, you see, nothing more or less from the year 1964. It makes an interesting analysis of the negative image they had of the U.S. in Spain at that time. Interestingly, Da Ponte mentioned Rodrigo Royo (see photo, below left) as the most representative of English-tradition anti-Americanism remains Simon Royo -. Possible causes of this hostility, it is noted especially the fascist ideology / Falangist predominant intellectual elite of English culture.
Rodrigo Royo explains that
systematically rejected democracy, American material progress and welfare highlighting the moral decadence of his society reflected in the books and movies that touched issues such as homosexuality, violence, racism, exploitation, madness ( John Steinbeck, Tennessee Williams, Faulkner ) and demagogic based on statistics on traffic accidents. As we shall see later, Simon
Royo, uses the same tricks as his father's car as a symbol of evil capitalism.
[Trad. When a English journalist causes-for whatever reason, "the first thing is to attack the decadence of American life as reflected in certain highly specialized areas. Here, for example, is how a couple of years ago a writer was referring to the U.S. at the top when it newspaper angered by an editorial in the New York Times on the perennial problem of political prisoners in Spain. The article's headline was: "Work out your affairs." After attacking the U.S. for its racial discrimination, the writer said:]
(Rodrigo Royo) We are not the English who have invented the word "gangster", "racket" or "murder syndicate," and our juvenile, no Harvards or Yales or "sofomores" or " Beta, gamma, pee, is so poor and ridiculous to the U.S. as our sanitary facilities seem to the city of paradise of the refrigerator, the supercar and color television, which does not serve to guarantee a quiet walk in Central Park to dusk, without fear of stabbings, attacks of manic or traps brothel.
, some of whose members are known for their anti-Americanism. Chief among these is the editor of
It must, of course, be insisted that one diatribe does not constitute a universally held image. But to what extent it contributes to the formation of an image can only remain suppositional. It should further be pointed out that the newspaper which published the attack—
Arriba —is the official organ of the Falangist Party
Arriba, Rodrigo Royo
, who in 1959 published a bitter and cynical book entitled U.S.A.: El Paraíso del Proletariado. Royo spent ten years as a newspaper correspondent in Washington and New York, Malthus and His comments carry much weight and Authority in Spain. To Give an illustration of the kind of image encourager historical book (and it has-been immensely popular), Shall I quote part of the section Entitled "THE CAR, PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE."
[Trad. Of course, you should insist that a single invective is not a steady image throughout the world. However, how far it helps in the formation of an image is something is only as an object of fancy. Moreover, we noted that the newspaper that published the attack - Top - belongs to the official organ Phalange Party, many of whose members are known for their anti-Americanism. Among them stands out the Top editor, Rodrigo Royo , who in 1959 published a book entitled bitter and cynical USA: The Paradise of the Proletariat . Royo spent ten years working as a correspondent in Washington and New York and their opinions are of great weight and authority in Spain. To illustrate the type of image that encourages his book that became immensely popular, "I will quote from the section entitled" THE CAR, PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE. "]
(Rodrigo Royo) mechanical prosperity can sometimes result in something catastrophic. remember that the car has produced more U.S. casualties in every war this country has participated along History ... kill in war is a primitive savagery. In contrast, killed by car is not. By contrast, die in traffic accidents is very elegant and very civilized.
[Auto] is as sure in their work of extermination, which experts estimate in advance the number of deaths that will occur the car when approaching any of the classic "week-ends" long. . . During the year 1955 the country produced 10,000,000 of road accidents. The cost of these accidents was 4,400 million dollars. No fewer than 1,250,000 people were injured unable to work for one or more days after the accident. For this reason, the country lost 55 million man-days of work. In the same year died in a car accident just over 36,000 people! This means that the car was produced in the United States so many deaths in one year was the U.S. Army throughout the Korean War, which lasted three years . This is all very civilized. When a revolution in any country in the world than in North America are classified as overdue, the press and the people here are unabashedly crosses and exclaim: "What barbarians! How primitive! What savages! What lack of civilization! ". But when a "weekend" U.S. produced 500 deaths, this is not barbarism, that is highly educated and highly civilized
now Royo-Bloggers, read the following paragraphs carefully carried by Simon Royo, great progress:
Few deaths of some recent wars compared to the dead and maimed by the so-called crashes. Traffic accidents are a sacrificial tribute we pay in human lives to God market and reduce or eliminate it almost entirely, not going back to Rousseau's state of nature, but simply provided that the majority of transport were public rather than private.
? You know perfectly well that[...] In Spain, 1989 claimed 5,940 victims of automobile consumption, during 1998 4,271 people died in traffic accidents and in 1999 the figure was 4,280. (In the United States during 1998 deaths "accidents" were 42,000). Excluding low figures for injuries and died 30 days after the accident, and not counting the number of minor injuries or serious and life-long consequences. Black blames panorama completely random as if there was a need for industry and a way of life back. The price paid in lives for the rush and stress do not seem to matter to anyone in our technologically advanced societies. [...]
cars are authenticated exchange rates, enemies society much more harmful than drugs or terrorism
As you can see with your eyes, this is exactly the same arguments as demagogic as those employed by his father's fascist. Simonet
, as always, is more concerned with abstruse matters as traffic accidents are preventable, or, if not, would be a topic for another debate, that equality of women in the world, freedom of expression in certain dictatorships or Terrorist ...
addition, look at the article's title "I do not know but they do,"
the unmistakable style of Messiah
Simonastro(Compare that to the famous biblical quote
Lucas, 23-34
). "Again your vein Nietzsche Ecce Homo
Simonastro is among us to declare the sins that braved the poor fellow from the time of the rogue Eva
-female, to be exact. That is its moral superiority of a prophet, because we noticed that: is difficult to accept for an honest citizen who works, pays taxes and not hurt anyone, that nevertheless is a murderer. But we do not know. not we realize that our lifestyle is based on the exploitation and killing and murder , not only of hunger in Africa, America and Asia, but consumer pressure on so-called rich countries, a death that not only outside but also inside and that traffic accidents are but a pale specimen. not know to be criminals and when we realize is when we begin to consider whether there should be no change in lifestyle and social economic model .
Thanks, sublime Messiah
Simonastro , for reminding us our faults and sins manage lead us inevitably to the embers of hell.
Indeed, Simonet
, hypocritical, do you have a car, right?
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