Friday, January 26, 2007

What Does It Feel Like Before Period

Basilisk drool plagiarism RODRIGO ROYO ROYO ROYO

Today's texts are brought it up: About our involuntary involvement with savage capitalism. I do not know but they do of Simón Royo .

Durant da Ponte, "The Image of America",
Hispania, Vol 47, No. 1 (Mar. 1964), p. 111-114 that you can download in PDF format (705 Kb) from here


  • Dear
Royo-Bloggers, Sorry

inactivity of our blog these days, but we are short of time. Also we wish to say thanks-a

and all the others for your insights and comments.

We intend to address in today's post criticism of the last article published Simón Royo for Rebelión ( The intellectual work of Nobel prizes / noticia.php? id = 44330), but following the letter of Georg

we thought better to continue talking about the strange ideological link between Simón Royo

-proclaimed anarcho-communist and his father Platonic Falangist Rodrigo Royo .

As we explained

, the Freudian

rejection by his father Simon is absurdly paradoxical if one stops to compare the attitudes and writings of both. So today we will address this thorny issue an article comparing Simón Royo that when we read it first seemed absolutely bland but, by chance, we discovered it is a total plagiarism piece written by his father . Hence its interest.

*** 's article Da Ponte, you see, nothing more or less from the year 1964. It makes an interesting analysis of the negative image they had of the U.S. in Spain at that time. Interestingly, Da Ponte mentioned Rodrigo Royo (see photo, below left) as the most representative of English-tradition anti-Americanism remains Simon Royo -. Possible causes of this hostility, it is noted especially the fascist ideology / Falangist predominant intellectual elite of English culture.

then Da Ponte

Rodrigo Royo explains that

systematically rejected democracy, American material progress and welfare highlighting the moral decadence of his society reflected in the books and movies that touched issues such as homosexuality, violence, racism, exploitation, madness ( John Steinbeck, Tennessee Williams, Faulkner ) and demagogic based on statistics on traffic accidents. As we shall see later, Simon

Royo, uses the same tricks as his father's car as a symbol of evil capitalism.
Rodrigo Royo tenía la costumbre de atormentar a sus empleados con serenatas de violín ( Da Ponte , p. 112) Whenever a English journalist is pro­voked (for whatever reason), the first thing he does is to attack the degeneracy of American life as reflected in certain highly specialized areas. Here, for example, is how a writer in the newspaper Arriba referred to the United States a couple of years ago when that paper became incensed over an editorial in the New York Times about the perennial problem of English political prisoners. The headline of the article read (in English): "Mind Your Own Business." After attacking the United States for its racial discrimination, the writer stated:

[Trad. When a English journalist causes-for whatever reason, "the first thing is to attack the decadence of American life as reflected in certain highly specialized areas. Here, for example, is how a couple of years ago a writer was referring to the U.S. at the top when it newspaper angered by an editorial in the New York Times on the perennial problem of political prisoners in Spain. The article's headline was: "Work out your affairs." After attacking the U.S. for its racial discrimination, the writer said:]
(Rodrigo Royo)
We are not the English who have invented the word "gangster", "racket" or "murder syndicate," and our juvenile, no Harvards or Yales or "sofomores" or " Beta, gamma, pee, is so poor and ridiculous to the U.S. as our sanitary facilities seem to the city of paradise of the refrigerator, the supercar and color television, which does not serve to guarantee a quiet walk in Central Park to dusk, without fear of stabbings, attacks of manic or traps brothel.

It must, of course, be insisted that one diatribe does not constitute a universally held image. But to what extent it contrib­utes to the formation of an image can only remain suppositional. It should further be pointed out that the newspaper which pub­lished the attack—
—is the official organ of the
Falangist Party
, some of whose members are known for their anti-Americanism. Chief among these is the editor of
, Rodrigo Royo
, who in 1959 published a bitter and cynical book entitled
U.S.A.: El Paraíso del Proletariado

. Royo spent ten years as a newspaper correspondent in Washington and New York, Malthus and His comments carry much weight and Authority in Spain. To Give an illustration of the kind of image encourager historical book (and it has-been immensely popular), Shall I quote part of the section Entitled "THE CAR, PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE."

[Trad. Of course, you should insist that a single invective is not a steady image throughout the world. However, how far it helps in the formation of an image is something is only as an object of fancy. Moreover, we noted that the newspaper that published the attack - Top - belongs to the official organ Phalange Party, many of whose members are known for their anti-Americanism. Among them stands out the Top editor, Rodrigo Royo , who in 1959 published a book entitled bitter and cynical USA: The Paradise of the Proletariat . Royo spent ten years working as a correspondent in Washington and New York and their opinions are of great weight and authority in Spain. To illustrate the type of image that encourages his book that became immensely popular, "I will quote from the section entitled" THE CAR, PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE. "]

(Rodrigo Royo) mechanical prosperity can sometimes result in something catastrophic. remember that the car has produced more U.S. casualties in every war this country has participated along History ... kill in war is a primitive savagery. In contrast, killed by car is not. By contrast, die in traffic accidents is very elegant and very civilized.
[Auto] is as sure in their work of extermination, which experts estimate in advance the number of deaths that will occur the car when approaching any of the classic "week-ends" long. . . During the year 1955 the country produced 10,000,000 of road accidents. The cost of these accidents was 4,400 million dollars. No fewer than 1,250,000 people were injured unable to work for one or more days after the accident. For this reason, the country lost 55 million man-days of work. In the same year died in a car accident just over 36,000 people!
This means that the car was produced in the United States so many deaths in one year was the U.S. Army throughout the Korean War, which lasted three years . This is all very civilized. When a revolution in any country in the world than in North America are classified as overdue, the press and the people here are unabashedly crosses and exclaim: "What barbarians! How primitive! What savages! What lack of civilization! ". But when a "weekend" U.S. produced 500 deaths, this is not barbarism, that is highly educated and highly civilized

now Royo-Bloggers, read the following paragraphs carefully carried by Simon Royo, great progress:

Few deaths of some recent wars compared to the dead and maimed by the so-called crashes. Traffic accidents are a sacrificial tribute we pay in human lives to God market and reduce or eliminate it almost entirely, not going back to Rousseau's state of nature, but simply provided that the majority of transport were public rather than private.

[...] In Spain, 1989 claimed 5,940 victims of automobile consumption, during 1998 4,271 people died in traffic accidents and in 1999 the figure was 4,280. (In the United States during 1998 deaths "accidents" were 42,000). Excluding low figures for injuries and died 30 days after the accident, and not counting the number of minor injuries or serious and life-long consequences. Black blames panorama completely random as if there was a need for industry and a way of life back. The price paid in lives for the rush and stress do not seem to matter to anyone in our technologically advanced societies. [...]

cars are authenticated exchange rates, enemies society much more harmful than drugs or terrorism

As you can see with your eyes, this is exactly the same arguments as demagogic as those employed by his father's fascist. Simonet

, as always, is more concerned with abstruse matters as traffic accidents are preventable, or, if not, would be a topic for another debate, that equality of women in the world, freedom of expression in certain dictatorships or Terrorist ...

addition, look at the article's title "I do not know but they do,"

the unmistakable style of Messiah

(Compare that to the famous biblical quote
Lucas, 23-34
). "Again your vein Nietzsche Ecce Homo

? You know perfectly well that

Simonastro is among us to declare the sins that braved the poor fellow from the time of the rogue Eva

-female, to be exact. That is its moral superiority of a prophet, because we noticed that:

is difficult to accept for an honest citizen who works, pays taxes and not hurt anyone, that nevertheless is a murderer. But we do not know. not we realize that our lifestyle is based on the exploitation and killing and murder , not only of hunger in Africa, America and Asia, but consumer pressure on so-called rich countries, a death that not only outside but also inside and that traffic accidents are but a pale specimen. not know to be criminals and when we realize is when we begin to consider whether there should be no change in lifestyle and social economic model .

Thanks, sublime Messiah
, for reminding us our faults and sins manage lead us inevitably to the embers of hell.

Indeed, Simonet

, hypocritical, do you have a car, right?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Flight Simulator X Airbrakes Control


Dear Bloggers


This morning I received an e-mail from Georg accompanied by a text (which we reproduce in full below blue) and a photo of

Simonet on one of his performances

    anticapitalist perpetrated in Mallorca.
      A Million Thanks, Georg
. Your story is exceptional. We hope all our readers to enjoy their content.

Simón Royo for his summary of the XLIII Congress
young philosophers Palma de Mallorca, 26-28 April 2006
Georg Letter:

have to start undoing an illusion.
Our eyes are intelligent, and just look at the figure of Simón Royo

with a warning to background that speaks of "social work Simón Royo balbuceando torpemente durante su exposición" tend to convey a wrong impression to our brain, and he is happy and thinks "finally deal with Simon Royo who have to deal with it: associations charitable organizations to aid the disabled, aid agencies misfits! But the truth is that it is not that, dear Royo-bloggers. The photo that I sent today was not taken at the Center Social Support to Disturbed Mental possessing high cognitive impairment. No: the photo that made him Simonastro in Mallorca

a chum ( Royo, to see if we are more careful with friends that we do, why do so many end up feeling nauseous to you? Still not what you've raised, your 40 years of age? Why your friends send me photos for the wonderful comment on the blog of

Joseph K

You may ask: what did Simonastro
in Mallorca
? Of course, not enjoying life in the beach, with foreign, with the sea that is a joy, with those places of delight ... No, no, none of that: we know that all these pleasures are those of bourgeois heartless capitalists gory that children eat at night before bed with belly dancers to which have been abducted in the Third World. Simonastro away, of course, enjoying the best pleasures that gives us life, he can only, perhaps, superficially lick one of those pleasures while internally tormented and self-punishment for "bad" which is the live in a First World country, one eighth of the world industrial power, a country so prosperous, he can afford to finance a couple of years of postdoctoral fellowship to useless as him, to touch your nose while spitting occasionally their resentment against which they feed. - And that's one of the great paradoxes of Simonastro : although it says Nietzsche
follower, and even I once translated into English text so that it published in some magazine, the truth is that the very
Simon is a magnificent example of everything that Nietzsche blamed: the bitter who can not enjoy life, but he failed for others spewing their anger at being one so, so small, the homunculus tries hate everything around you (citizens, women, homosexuals, people who have success, people who know more than him ...) only because he hates himself no longer knows how to throw his enraged bile -. But, finally, back to our initial question: What was Simonastro in Mallorca? Why these two people at the table in the back, look at him this side of drowsiness, a look that screams loud "Oh my God, what a geek that have pulled down from Madrid!"? Why Royo Simon, son of filonazi
, outlines that little smirk (ay,
Simonet, Simonet ), the same that always puts you see on the occasion of torturing an audience because they have committed it the mistake of giving the word, and how she enjoys it, saying its crap, when no one can stop or take off because I'm tired of hearing nonsense!? (Incidentally, the smirk of Simonastro deserves a small paragraph. It turns out that, as you know all you've had the misfortune to attend an event in which he has taken the floor, Simon suffers from obvious problems of articulation, which makes quite difficult to keep their oral language - we more or least equivalent to what happens when you try to read their written language and we met with dozens of typos that Joseph K masterfully. underline know, if we add syntactic ignorance exhibited by Simon both in oral and written, the truth is that one feels that, apart from the rationality and happy life, also English language hard hit out whenever we Simonastro
loose some of their rollastros -. Finally, we said that the voice of Simon
is almost worse than look at what it says. Well, worst of all is ... Simon when added to all his smirk! Not only because it is a sad little smile, as constipated, as belonging to a being who satisfies such a short life which can not but seek bitter people around you - and gays, women, happy, etc .- -. Not only that, but also because the smirk of Simon stuttering makes his speeches, more disharmonic, less articulated - Those vowels, Simonastro , those vowels -. Finally, a horror). We can not end the comment of this photo without adding something on the slide you see on the screen bottom right. It is an image showing the distribution of U.S. troops from various countries. The text of the image is in English, so Simonastro
have had to consult several dictionaries before knowing what it was all about (you know,
Simonastro is one of those uneducated who think they speak English, but then say things as * "I have went" and believe * " gone for good" means " gone for good" ). we meet again, as always, with the obsession of Simonastro against the American people. It's an obsession that Simonastro shows a strange ambivalence: on the one hand, its anti-Americanism is bogus anti-Americanism clearly reflects the equally crude, but more formed, the father of Simon the filonazi
Rodrigo Royo. (He described as "more educated" xenophobia Rodrigo Royo
against the Americans because at least he does have visited and met some of the US-even dared to publish a book about it: is that the Phalangists of pro-Franco regime publish everything they had!; Simon, however, is xenophobic hearsay or because it is believed that an image like the one shown in the photo display is enough to condemn the people of Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman ). However, I spoke with ambivalence because although Simon to hate Americans as a way to continue the tradition inaugurated by his father, is also evident that the manner in regard to the United States, Bush Rumsfeld

or , the adjectives used (someday maybe encourage me to analyze text of one of its articuluchos; clear that I can not match the expertise of Joseph K . to do so!) show the clear (and that is that you see everything very clearly, Simon, son, you're so prototypical!) that Simon projected in the background in the United States all his resentment against his father . And someone like Simon have to hate a lot, among the millions of things you hate, the fact of being born the son of a 100% facade facade. This inner rage is evident that the projected Simonastro rudely against anyone who has a position of greater power or wisdom that he (come on, against any father figure with whom life is butt), and no doubt the U.S. is a country that is ideally for such Freudian projection. Oh, Simon , if deep George W. Bush has done you a big favor to exist as Don Tancredo
to the psychological to dump your spit!
But in the end, this is what I see in the picture "stolen" what do you say? *** Note Joseph K .: Georg mentioned some errors in English Simon. Obviously incorrect *

i have went,

should therefore be used
"I have gone" or

"I went"

, depending on the context of the sentence, and "for good" means "forever" and not * "for good", as it indicates Georg.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Breast Cancer Singlet Wrestlin


Man, is Simón Royo, how are we going? We know for a fact that visits us almost daily. YES ... I know ... You can not help, eh? Well, Simonet, we are reviewing our reading of Nietzsche the early years of career to choose an appointment that suits you. Look how much I want you to see reflected in each line. That must be a symptom of the great "passion" that has awakened in us. Listen, listen "the tete Fritz" , you want to tell you a couple of things ...


Ahem, ahem ... Hello, Simonastro am Fritz your tete.

Look, I'm not mad at you. What happens is that lately I've invoked in vain and philosophical legacy, the truth begins to tire of this situation. You are not the only thing I understand. I think everyone who reads it happens, but you imitate me itch seems unhealthy, especially for the clumsiness you display. Not to brag, lad, but I was a great scholar, a great thinker and a genius of the German language. I have been inspired by figures as prominent as
Thomas Mann or James Joyce
and your sudden arrival at my ideological circle disturb my eternal peace.
nightmares I whipped up in so many postmodernillos like you every day sully my name quoting me like sheep. So I'll be brief: I am not a communist or socialist or anarchist. Leave me alone! now read:


The Twilight of the Idols El tete Fritz en realidad sí está cabreado contigo. ¡Cuidado que voy armado!, 34, The Christian and the anarchist )

When the anarchist
, as spokesman for the decadent social strata, with beautiful outrage claim 'rights', "justice" and "equal rights", speaking only under the weight of his own ignorance that prevents you from knowing why suffering really, what is poor: ie life. His instinct is dominant causal: someone has to be blamed that he is so bad ... Moreover, his "beautiful indignation" is good for itself, any pleasure felt insulted poor devil, because this will produce a little power drunk. The simple complaint, merely complaining, may give a charm to life and make it bearable
. In any complaint is a small dose of revenge for those who are otherwise criticizes them as an injustice, as an illegitimate privilege, discomfort and even poor condition who laments. "If I belong I'm the villain and a scoundrel, you should belong to it and be well ": with this logic is the revolution. Complaining absolutely no good at all: it is something that comes from weakness. There is a difference between ascribing our discomfort to others as does the socialist or atribuírnoslo ourselves, as the Christian.
What both have in common, and should be added to
unworthy "is that someone must be guilty of that
suffers, with few words, the sufferer is prescribed as a means of combating their pain, honey revenge. The objects of this need for revenge, a need for pleasure, are causes casual: the suffering is everywhere to satisfy their causes little revenge. If you are a Christian, we say again, the inside of it ...
Both the Christian and the anarchist are decadent

. But even when the Christian conviction, slander and dirty 'world', it does moved by the same instinct that prompts the socialist worker to condemn, slander and dirty society. His own "Last Judgement" is also the sweet consolation of vengeance, the revolution socialist worker also awaits, only conceived as more distant. Himself "beyond" ... Why would that beyond si no fuera para el más acá ensuciar? ...
Christian and anarchist
. - Asked if the anarchist, "as the mouthpiece of declining levels of society, with a beautiful outrage" right, "" justice, "equal rights", he is so only under the pressure of his lack of culture that do not understand why he actually suffers - what he is poor, to life ... Causes a powerful engine in it, someone must be blamed for the fact that he is bad ... He, too, does the "fine indignation" itself already well it is a pleasure for all poor devils, to complain - there's a small rush of power. Even the action, the self-complaining can give life a charm for which power can stand it: a subtle dose of revenge in every complaint, to throw his bad-being, possibly even his wickedness to those who are different, as an injustice as an illicit privilege before. "I am a bastard, then you should also be": in this logic "makes one revolution. - The self-mourning is good in any case a bit: it comes from weakness. Whether it be bad or the other being himself ascribes - the socialist does the former, the latter as a Christian - does not own real difference.
The common, we also say that it is unworthy, that someone should be responsible for the fact that one is suffering - in short, that the sufferer prescribes the honey against his passion of revenge. The objects in this Rach-need as a pleasure-need are occasional causes: the sufferer found all causes, to cool his little revenge - he is a Christian, I repeat, you can find them in the ... The Christian and the anarchist - Both are decadent. - But when the Christian, the "world" condemned, slandered, dirty, he does it out of the same instincts, of which the Socialist Workers' society condemned, slandered, defiled: the "Last Judgement" itself is still the sweet consolation of revenge - the revolution, as it expects the socialist workers, only a little further thought ... The "beyond" itself - why a beyond, if it were not a means to spot this world ...?

[Friedrich Nietzsche: Works and letters: an Untimely forays. Friedrich Nietzsche: Works, p. 7571] (see Nietzsche W-2, p. 1009) (c) C. Hanser Verlag]

Saturday, January 6, 2007

How To Clean A Nixon Watch


After almost two months without Simón Royo

show vital signs, we expected more of an item golden

series of immaterial labor with that lately the Messiah Simonastro

delighted us pretending to imitate the Marxist
Toni Negri . But no. His latest essay has just appeared at number 49 in the journal
Ejercicio postmoderno de onanismo filosófico A Party
Friedrich Nietzsche and Christianity: From the Critique of Religion to the death of God Simón Royo, un aspirante a filosófo obsesionado con Nietzsche (PDF format
), which is what we deconstruct today. *** Dear Royo-bloggers, The twenty-three pages that make up this epitomize the highest expression of boredom ever experienced in the mortal flesh own who writes. And we should be sad that his critics the only living beings able to swallow this stolid tostón almost transports us to nirvana, or more precisely, to languish in the prone position. seems that the mockery of your airs Nietzschean jokingly that we have deployed our Blog not yet made a dent. And you'd better, because today we're not going to forgive nor ... This essay explains
Simón Royo - is a rehash of the fourth chapter of his thesis-disclosure-san-juanesca
flights to posthumanism
( UNED, 2005). It is assumed that
A Party
Rei is a magazine of some packaging and, therefore, it makes sense to take care a little more formal content of his publications (development of ideas, rigor in the quotations, spelling, style, syntax , etc.). Anyway, you should demand the same quality as any other serial publication, but
A party Rei displayed on-line. So that we imagine that in reality, nobody, absolutely nobody monitors what is being published here ... Do not worry. Since we take care!
Not for nothing, but
Simón Royo back to reveal the formula of garlic soup. Will be for candor or ignorance, but we are convinced that in the thesis, the student proposes a course to be genuine and innovative and demonstrate shelling along their work. If this article accurately reflects the revamped thesis directed by Quentin brooder of Racine
only regret we are left exposed by the very low level and the scurrilous politicking oozing.

For those who want to save a couple of hours of your precious, I summarize below the "content" of your item. Do not be 'repeat the garlic. " You are warned!

Simón Royo, as he usually does, stuff the turkey with quotes insubstantial, fragmented, and decontextualized. Understanding what type requires an effort which we want to release, as the surfeit of references forced the almost total absence of commas, subordinate clauses which lacks the main clauses and the "words" that makes up most hardened exhaust the reader. What a difference from the witty prose Nietzsche!

In short, what Simón Royo

presented here is Nietzsche's doctrine of vitalism, which combines and exceeds the Greek tragic spirit and Epicureanism. Drawing on Nietzsche
, Royo

accuses Christianity and all its attendant beliefs and fictions of comfort
-be scatological, scientific or artistic as
Wagner and Schopenhauer - to distract ordinary mortals Awareness of their finite existence. The affirmation of life, the certainty of death and a free spirit would be the greatest and most cherished values. In other words, Nietzsche in 60 seconds! Incidentally, Simon Royo, twenty-three pages to explain what in any secondary manual plainly states in one paragraph, give to gnaw the bone to the poor Miguel de Unamuno Nietzsche, testigo mudo de la mediocridad que le invoca (for anti-revolutionary and nihilistic, of course ) and all sense of spiritual transcendence (whether Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or mystical), which he reduced to a mere instrument vaccine capitalist and childish cowardice by the fear death. The simplistic exponential pushed to the limit, as always!
And why not, according to Nietzsche
, which seeks Simón Royo are points of support to enable it to insert the "commercials" for their own ideology. For example, the unintelligible bullshit you type in this paragraph: (p. 2) The total value of life is a value in perspective regarding the goals and accomplishments of that life, and the meaning a priori, its constructively in the context of the emergence of politics, forms the background of the values \u200b\u200bof the left by what is a vital commitment to accepting the existence despite not be rationally justified.


still has more alpha male messages
for Humanity, especially the goofy rising in the morning to go to work (mean he indulges in galbana morning thanks to an official leave). If you read carefully, megalomaniac fantasies philosophaster prophet and are reflected with total clarity: (p. 11) Belief is a need for the deficiency, the need to cling to something, no matter how false and deceitful he may be, no matter how wrong and harmful it may be, in order to continue in life, a life whose value is hidden and hides.
Most of today's men refuse to ask about their reasons for getting up every morning and go to their routine work.
They rely on custom and are justified by shared beliefs, which give them a fictitious meaning of life. If you ever dare to question themselves and fear will capsize all live under the shadow, ie, in real life, material, non-fiction, with all its pleasure and pain. Few people, therefore wonder about the meaning of his compulsive life activity and when they do feel pain and anxiety, then, shaking his head, cast away the fatal habit of thinking and reject the assault on the existential question. [...]

Only the philosopher and the artist come to be aware that there is no predetermined sense of existence and life is not only amoral, but also lacks any purpose that may be planned in advance, except death. The philosopher are somewhat easier, gets up every morning and wonder exactly why the *
(sic, see faults)
rising in the morning to learn how to die, that is, to live truly and openly.

course, Simon

, how fortunate we are that you are "philosopher and artist . Must prevail over the decrepit humanity and fight for superhuman that you and only you embody . later, and be faithful to the stubbornness of some left to see Nietzsche as an anarchist, Simonet includes this rant so often we have seen in each and every one of its deleterious articles. That you do sounds like déjà vu ?:
(p. 21)
to oppose the current globalization not only * (sic, no accent) ethnic tribalism, lifestyles which again revived after a long period of dormancy, but individual choice of counterculture, tangible models of rejection of the general formulation. Thus, the
capitalism, consumerism Western bourgeois Unlimited, oppose certain practices of austerity that do not involve waiver or nihilistic denial;
to consumer response incited by the media, minority (note: you mean what we're thinking?) in need of a previous crop, to the judicial standing relationships or vicariate, the free union (Note: At least your child is enrolled in the record, no??)
, to work and consumption as a core activity, the non-consumptive recreational activities but constructive, educational and labor limited to mere means of subsistence

(note: you either work, not??)

Puff, uncle, but what "royo"! What a cake! Much affection!

geometer in the Bible God Moralis (1250)

But there is more,

Royo-bloggers ... We return to be the Messiah

Simonastro "model deicide"

(p. 23)

The major impediment to such a task lies in the persistence of Jede-Christian eschatology under the mask of capitalism successful (market monotheism), the replacement of the Beruf paideia, the truth for a lie, free entertainment by slave labor, the fullness of life through submission of money emerged as the ultimate power. God survive his death at the hands of Nietzsche, so you have to deal with the ugly business of God to round off can be a return of the gods


If you do not remember wrong, the latter was reinstated Neopaganism der kleine Adolf


Sincerely, Simon
, we regret to tell you, but there is not one new idea. You just take advantage of the aphorisms of Nietzsche for barter in anarcho-communist propaganda of the most simplistic. Brief also lavish when you talk about religion and human transcendence as elementary reflexes of human fears. We fear that there is much more than that, not to mention your hilarious sense of transcendent connection with capitalism. Are not there different interpretations of Christianity or any other faith? There are many degrees of understanding the significance of religion or even from a secular perspective, agnostic or atheist. Of course, when the religion is at the service of power, a part of it and should be criticized. So why do not you talk to the dictatorial theocracies that kill thousands of people today and in front of our noses?
And after that yours exaltation of tragic action man à la Nietzsche
, we suspect that hides something quite dark: an open door to the emergence of primitive instincts, to testosterone cheap, perpetrator's fantasies would have us ... believe you are a vital and your life and your way of living puts you above everyone else. You know what? All you do in writing these entanglements is recreate in fiction yourself. I fantasize on each line. Do not you think we notice?


stopped here not to bore you more. Now let us enter the section and simon grammatical errors. Today there are in abundance!
Misspellings and syntax. Back to School:

• (
p. 2). Syntactical construction absurd

* While
is the love of life that creates the art and imagination that enlarges and enriches the world with figures like the unicorn, being also the imagination that the existence despising dwarfs by constructing figures like a jealous and vindictive one God, omnipotent and all.
• (p. 2)
* "
And that

spirit (" that "should go without accent) • (p. 3) Awesome, awesome , amazing ... A devotee of Nietzsche writes adjective "Nietzschean / a" MAL EIGHT TIMES:

- (page 3)

* "Epicureanism Nietzschean" , and with no accent when it should be "Epicureanism Nietzschean"

- (p. . 7, note)

* "Nietzschean" again!

- (p. 9)

* "Nietzschean moral" - (p. 10) * "variants Nietzschean"

- (page 13 and note) * "disbelief Nietzschean"

- (p. 14) * "Nietzschean" again!

- (p. 16) * "Nietzschean death of God"

• (p. 4 et seq.) The title of Unamuno not

San Manuel Bueno Martir but San Manuel Bueno, Martyr (damages the retina!)

• (p. 4) You write twice " opera" without an accent!

• (note page. 4) The famous German publisher Walter de Gruyter is

and not " Gruyer " • (p. 11) escapes You Die " Frölich " Wissenschaft instead of " fröhliche " the "why

"is incorrect, you must go along"

why. " • (Note pg. 13) here shows that you have no idea pajolera German:

- Write " Wüste" in the plural, when in fact intend say " Wüste" in the singular.

- misspell "

" when " Wildnis die" - also misspell the title of Nietzsche . Not

"but" Dionysos Dithyramben " • (Note pg. 19) is not" liberal

ich "but" ich liebe "and put" Prodigal "without an accent. • (p. 21) " not only" when it should be "not only "