Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Breast Cancer Singlet Wrestlin


Man, is Simón Royo, how are we going? We know for a fact that visits us almost daily. YES ... I know ... You can not help, eh? Well, Simonet, we are reviewing our reading of Nietzsche the early years of career to choose an appointment that suits you. Look how much I want you to see reflected in each line. That must be a symptom of the great "passion" that has awakened in us. Listen, listen "the tete Fritz" , you want to tell you a couple of things ...


Ahem, ahem ... Hello, Simonastro am Fritz your tete.

Look, I'm not mad at you. What happens is that lately I've invoked in vain and philosophical legacy, the truth begins to tire of this situation. You are not the only thing I understand. I think everyone who reads it happens, but you imitate me itch seems unhealthy, especially for the clumsiness you display. Not to brag, lad, but I was a great scholar, a great thinker and a genius of the German language. I have been inspired by figures as prominent as
Thomas Mann or James Joyce
and your sudden arrival at my ideological circle disturb my eternal peace.
nightmares I whipped up in so many postmodernillos like you every day sully my name quoting me like sheep. So I'll be brief: I am not a communist or socialist or anarchist. Leave me alone! now read:


The Twilight of the Idols El tete Fritz en realidad sí está cabreado contigo. ¡Cuidado que voy armado!, 34, The Christian and the anarchist )

When the anarchist
, as spokesman for the decadent social strata, with beautiful outrage claim 'rights', "justice" and "equal rights", speaking only under the weight of his own ignorance that prevents you from knowing why suffering really, what is poor: ie life. His instinct is dominant causal: someone has to be blamed that he is so bad ... Moreover, his "beautiful indignation" is good for itself, any pleasure felt insulted poor devil, because this will produce a little power drunk. The simple complaint, merely complaining, may give a charm to life and make it bearable
. In any complaint is a small dose of revenge for those who are otherwise criticizes them as an injustice, as an illegitimate privilege, discomfort and even poor condition who laments. "If I belong I'm the villain and a scoundrel, you should belong to it and be well ": with this logic is the revolution. Complaining absolutely no good at all: it is something that comes from weakness. There is a difference between ascribing our discomfort to others as does the socialist or atribuírnoslo ourselves, as the Christian.
What both have in common, and should be added to
unworthy "is that someone must be guilty of that
suffers, with few words, the sufferer is prescribed as a means of combating their pain, honey revenge. The objects of this need for revenge, a need for pleasure, are causes casual: the suffering is everywhere to satisfy their causes little revenge. If you are a Christian, we say again, the inside of it ...
Both the Christian and the anarchist are decadent

. But even when the Christian conviction, slander and dirty 'world', it does moved by the same instinct that prompts the socialist worker to condemn, slander and dirty society. His own "Last Judgement" is also the sweet consolation of vengeance, the revolution socialist worker also awaits, only conceived as more distant. Himself "beyond" ... Why would that beyond si no fuera para el más acá ensuciar? ...
Christian and anarchist
. - Asked if the anarchist, "as the mouthpiece of declining levels of society, with a beautiful outrage" right, "" justice, "equal rights", he is so only under the pressure of his lack of culture that do not understand why he actually suffers - what he is poor, to life ... Causes a powerful engine in it, someone must be blamed for the fact that he is bad ... He, too, does the "fine indignation" itself already well it is a pleasure for all poor devils, to complain - there's a small rush of power. Even the action, the self-complaining can give life a charm for which power can stand it: a subtle dose of revenge in every complaint, to throw his bad-being, possibly even his wickedness to those who are different, as an injustice as an illicit privilege before. "I am a bastard, then you should also be": in this logic "makes one revolution. - The self-mourning is good in any case a bit: it comes from weakness. Whether it be bad or the other being himself ascribes - the socialist does the former, the latter as a Christian - does not own real difference.
The common, we also say that it is unworthy, that someone should be responsible for the fact that one is suffering - in short, that the sufferer prescribes the honey against his passion of revenge. The objects in this Rach-need as a pleasure-need are occasional causes: the sufferer found all causes, to cool his little revenge - he is a Christian, I repeat, you can find them in the ... The Christian and the anarchist - Both are decadent. - But when the Christian, the "world" condemned, slandered, dirty, he does it out of the same instincts, of which the Socialist Workers' society condemned, slandered, defiled: the "Last Judgement" itself is still the sweet consolation of revenge - the revolution, as it expects the socialist workers, only a little further thought ... The "beyond" itself - why a beyond, if it were not a means to spot this world ...?

[Friedrich Nietzsche: Works and letters: an Untimely forays. Friedrich Nietzsche: Works, p. 7571] (see Nietzsche W-2, p. 1009) (c) C. Hanser Verlag]


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