Friday, January 12, 2007

Flight Simulator X Airbrakes Control


Dear Bloggers


This morning I received an e-mail from Georg accompanied by a text (which we reproduce in full below blue) and a photo of

Simonet on one of his performances

    anticapitalist perpetrated in Mallorca.
      A Million Thanks, Georg
. Your story is exceptional. We hope all our readers to enjoy their content.

Simón Royo for his summary of the XLIII Congress
young philosophers Palma de Mallorca, 26-28 April 2006
Georg Letter:

have to start undoing an illusion.
Our eyes are intelligent, and just look at the figure of Simón Royo

with a warning to background that speaks of "social work Simón Royo balbuceando torpemente durante su exposición" tend to convey a wrong impression to our brain, and he is happy and thinks "finally deal with Simon Royo who have to deal with it: associations charitable organizations to aid the disabled, aid agencies misfits! But the truth is that it is not that, dear Royo-bloggers. The photo that I sent today was not taken at the Center Social Support to Disturbed Mental possessing high cognitive impairment. No: the photo that made him Simonastro in Mallorca

a chum ( Royo, to see if we are more careful with friends that we do, why do so many end up feeling nauseous to you? Still not what you've raised, your 40 years of age? Why your friends send me photos for the wonderful comment on the blog of

Joseph K

You may ask: what did Simonastro
in Mallorca
? Of course, not enjoying life in the beach, with foreign, with the sea that is a joy, with those places of delight ... No, no, none of that: we know that all these pleasures are those of bourgeois heartless capitalists gory that children eat at night before bed with belly dancers to which have been abducted in the Third World. Simonastro away, of course, enjoying the best pleasures that gives us life, he can only, perhaps, superficially lick one of those pleasures while internally tormented and self-punishment for "bad" which is the live in a First World country, one eighth of the world industrial power, a country so prosperous, he can afford to finance a couple of years of postdoctoral fellowship to useless as him, to touch your nose while spitting occasionally their resentment against which they feed. - And that's one of the great paradoxes of Simonastro : although it says Nietzsche
follower, and even I once translated into English text so that it published in some magazine, the truth is that the very
Simon is a magnificent example of everything that Nietzsche blamed: the bitter who can not enjoy life, but he failed for others spewing their anger at being one so, so small, the homunculus tries hate everything around you (citizens, women, homosexuals, people who have success, people who know more than him ...) only because he hates himself no longer knows how to throw his enraged bile -. But, finally, back to our initial question: What was Simonastro in Mallorca? Why these two people at the table in the back, look at him this side of drowsiness, a look that screams loud "Oh my God, what a geek that have pulled down from Madrid!"? Why Royo Simon, son of filonazi
, outlines that little smirk (ay,
Simonet, Simonet ), the same that always puts you see on the occasion of torturing an audience because they have committed it the mistake of giving the word, and how she enjoys it, saying its crap, when no one can stop or take off because I'm tired of hearing nonsense!? (Incidentally, the smirk of Simonastro deserves a small paragraph. It turns out that, as you know all you've had the misfortune to attend an event in which he has taken the floor, Simon suffers from obvious problems of articulation, which makes quite difficult to keep their oral language - we more or least equivalent to what happens when you try to read their written language and we met with dozens of typos that Joseph K masterfully. underline know, if we add syntactic ignorance exhibited by Simon both in oral and written, the truth is that one feels that, apart from the rationality and happy life, also English language hard hit out whenever we Simonastro
loose some of their rollastros -. Finally, we said that the voice of Simon
is almost worse than look at what it says. Well, worst of all is ... Simon when added to all his smirk! Not only because it is a sad little smile, as constipated, as belonging to a being who satisfies such a short life which can not but seek bitter people around you - and gays, women, happy, etc .- -. Not only that, but also because the smirk of Simon stuttering makes his speeches, more disharmonic, less articulated - Those vowels, Simonastro , those vowels -. Finally, a horror). We can not end the comment of this photo without adding something on the slide you see on the screen bottom right. It is an image showing the distribution of U.S. troops from various countries. The text of the image is in English, so Simonastro
have had to consult several dictionaries before knowing what it was all about (you know,
Simonastro is one of those uneducated who think they speak English, but then say things as * "I have went" and believe * " gone for good" means " gone for good" ). we meet again, as always, with the obsession of Simonastro against the American people. It's an obsession that Simonastro shows a strange ambivalence: on the one hand, its anti-Americanism is bogus anti-Americanism clearly reflects the equally crude, but more formed, the father of Simon the filonazi
Rodrigo Royo. (He described as "more educated" xenophobia Rodrigo Royo
against the Americans because at least he does have visited and met some of the US-even dared to publish a book about it: is that the Phalangists of pro-Franco regime publish everything they had!; Simon, however, is xenophobic hearsay or because it is believed that an image like the one shown in the photo display is enough to condemn the people of Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman ). However, I spoke with ambivalence because although Simon to hate Americans as a way to continue the tradition inaugurated by his father, is also evident that the manner in regard to the United States, Bush Rumsfeld

or , the adjectives used (someday maybe encourage me to analyze text of one of its articuluchos; clear that I can not match the expertise of Joseph K . to do so!) show the clear (and that is that you see everything very clearly, Simon, son, you're so prototypical!) that Simon projected in the background in the United States all his resentment against his father . And someone like Simon have to hate a lot, among the millions of things you hate, the fact of being born the son of a 100% facade facade. This inner rage is evident that the projected Simonastro rudely against anyone who has a position of greater power or wisdom that he (come on, against any father figure with whom life is butt), and no doubt the U.S. is a country that is ideally for such Freudian projection. Oh, Simon , if deep George W. Bush has done you a big favor to exist as Don Tancredo
to the psychological to dump your spit!
But in the end, this is what I see in the picture "stolen" what do you say? *** Note Joseph K .: Georg mentioned some errors in English Simon. Obviously incorrect *

i have went,

should therefore be used
"I have gone" or

"I went"

, depending on the context of the sentence, and "for good" means "forever" and not * "for good", as it indicates Georg.


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