Saturday, January 6, 2007

How To Clean A Nixon Watch


After almost two months without Simón Royo

show vital signs, we expected more of an item golden

series of immaterial labor with that lately the Messiah Simonastro

delighted us pretending to imitate the Marxist
Toni Negri . But no. His latest essay has just appeared at number 49 in the journal
Ejercicio postmoderno de onanismo filosófico A Party
Friedrich Nietzsche and Christianity: From the Critique of Religion to the death of God Simón Royo, un aspirante a filosófo obsesionado con Nietzsche (PDF format
), which is what we deconstruct today. *** Dear Royo-bloggers, The twenty-three pages that make up this epitomize the highest expression of boredom ever experienced in the mortal flesh own who writes. And we should be sad that his critics the only living beings able to swallow this stolid tostón almost transports us to nirvana, or more precisely, to languish in the prone position. seems that the mockery of your airs Nietzschean jokingly that we have deployed our Blog not yet made a dent. And you'd better, because today we're not going to forgive nor ... This essay explains
Simón Royo - is a rehash of the fourth chapter of his thesis-disclosure-san-juanesca
flights to posthumanism
( UNED, 2005). It is assumed that
A Party
Rei is a magazine of some packaging and, therefore, it makes sense to take care a little more formal content of his publications (development of ideas, rigor in the quotations, spelling, style, syntax , etc.). Anyway, you should demand the same quality as any other serial publication, but
A party Rei displayed on-line. So that we imagine that in reality, nobody, absolutely nobody monitors what is being published here ... Do not worry. Since we take care!
Not for nothing, but
Simón Royo back to reveal the formula of garlic soup. Will be for candor or ignorance, but we are convinced that in the thesis, the student proposes a course to be genuine and innovative and demonstrate shelling along their work. If this article accurately reflects the revamped thesis directed by Quentin brooder of Racine
only regret we are left exposed by the very low level and the scurrilous politicking oozing.

For those who want to save a couple of hours of your precious, I summarize below the "content" of your item. Do not be 'repeat the garlic. " You are warned!

Simón Royo, as he usually does, stuff the turkey with quotes insubstantial, fragmented, and decontextualized. Understanding what type requires an effort which we want to release, as the surfeit of references forced the almost total absence of commas, subordinate clauses which lacks the main clauses and the "words" that makes up most hardened exhaust the reader. What a difference from the witty prose Nietzsche!

In short, what Simón Royo

presented here is Nietzsche's doctrine of vitalism, which combines and exceeds the Greek tragic spirit and Epicureanism. Drawing on Nietzsche
, Royo

accuses Christianity and all its attendant beliefs and fictions of comfort
-be scatological, scientific or artistic as
Wagner and Schopenhauer - to distract ordinary mortals Awareness of their finite existence. The affirmation of life, the certainty of death and a free spirit would be the greatest and most cherished values. In other words, Nietzsche in 60 seconds! Incidentally, Simon Royo, twenty-three pages to explain what in any secondary manual plainly states in one paragraph, give to gnaw the bone to the poor Miguel de Unamuno Nietzsche, testigo mudo de la mediocridad que le invoca (for anti-revolutionary and nihilistic, of course ) and all sense of spiritual transcendence (whether Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or mystical), which he reduced to a mere instrument vaccine capitalist and childish cowardice by the fear death. The simplistic exponential pushed to the limit, as always!
And why not, according to Nietzsche
, which seeks Simón Royo are points of support to enable it to insert the "commercials" for their own ideology. For example, the unintelligible bullshit you type in this paragraph: (p. 2) The total value of life is a value in perspective regarding the goals and accomplishments of that life, and the meaning a priori, its constructively in the context of the emergence of politics, forms the background of the values \u200b\u200bof the left by what is a vital commitment to accepting the existence despite not be rationally justified.


still has more alpha male messages
for Humanity, especially the goofy rising in the morning to go to work (mean he indulges in galbana morning thanks to an official leave). If you read carefully, megalomaniac fantasies philosophaster prophet and are reflected with total clarity: (p. 11) Belief is a need for the deficiency, the need to cling to something, no matter how false and deceitful he may be, no matter how wrong and harmful it may be, in order to continue in life, a life whose value is hidden and hides.
Most of today's men refuse to ask about their reasons for getting up every morning and go to their routine work.
They rely on custom and are justified by shared beliefs, which give them a fictitious meaning of life. If you ever dare to question themselves and fear will capsize all live under the shadow, ie, in real life, material, non-fiction, with all its pleasure and pain. Few people, therefore wonder about the meaning of his compulsive life activity and when they do feel pain and anxiety, then, shaking his head, cast away the fatal habit of thinking and reject the assault on the existential question. [...]

Only the philosopher and the artist come to be aware that there is no predetermined sense of existence and life is not only amoral, but also lacks any purpose that may be planned in advance, except death. The philosopher are somewhat easier, gets up every morning and wonder exactly why the *
(sic, see faults)
rising in the morning to learn how to die, that is, to live truly and openly.

course, Simon

, how fortunate we are that you are "philosopher and artist . Must prevail over the decrepit humanity and fight for superhuman that you and only you embody . later, and be faithful to the stubbornness of some left to see Nietzsche as an anarchist, Simonet includes this rant so often we have seen in each and every one of its deleterious articles. That you do sounds like déjà vu ?:
(p. 21)
to oppose the current globalization not only * (sic, no accent) ethnic tribalism, lifestyles which again revived after a long period of dormancy, but individual choice of counterculture, tangible models of rejection of the general formulation. Thus, the
capitalism, consumerism Western bourgeois Unlimited, oppose certain practices of austerity that do not involve waiver or nihilistic denial;
to consumer response incited by the media, minority (note: you mean what we're thinking?) in need of a previous crop, to the judicial standing relationships or vicariate, the free union (Note: At least your child is enrolled in the record, no??)
, to work and consumption as a core activity, the non-consumptive recreational activities but constructive, educational and labor limited to mere means of subsistence

(note: you either work, not??)

Puff, uncle, but what "royo"! What a cake! Much affection!

geometer in the Bible God Moralis (1250)

But there is more,

Royo-bloggers ... We return to be the Messiah

Simonastro "model deicide"

(p. 23)

The major impediment to such a task lies in the persistence of Jede-Christian eschatology under the mask of capitalism successful (market monotheism), the replacement of the Beruf paideia, the truth for a lie, free entertainment by slave labor, the fullness of life through submission of money emerged as the ultimate power. God survive his death at the hands of Nietzsche, so you have to deal with the ugly business of God to round off can be a return of the gods


If you do not remember wrong, the latter was reinstated Neopaganism der kleine Adolf


Sincerely, Simon
, we regret to tell you, but there is not one new idea. You just take advantage of the aphorisms of Nietzsche for barter in anarcho-communist propaganda of the most simplistic. Brief also lavish when you talk about religion and human transcendence as elementary reflexes of human fears. We fear that there is much more than that, not to mention your hilarious sense of transcendent connection with capitalism. Are not there different interpretations of Christianity or any other faith? There are many degrees of understanding the significance of religion or even from a secular perspective, agnostic or atheist. Of course, when the religion is at the service of power, a part of it and should be criticized. So why do not you talk to the dictatorial theocracies that kill thousands of people today and in front of our noses?
And after that yours exaltation of tragic action man à la Nietzsche
, we suspect that hides something quite dark: an open door to the emergence of primitive instincts, to testosterone cheap, perpetrator's fantasies would have us ... believe you are a vital and your life and your way of living puts you above everyone else. You know what? All you do in writing these entanglements is recreate in fiction yourself. I fantasize on each line. Do not you think we notice?


stopped here not to bore you more. Now let us enter the section and simon grammatical errors. Today there are in abundance!
Misspellings and syntax. Back to School:

• (
p. 2). Syntactical construction absurd

* While
is the love of life that creates the art and imagination that enlarges and enriches the world with figures like the unicorn, being also the imagination that the existence despising dwarfs by constructing figures like a jealous and vindictive one God, omnipotent and all.
• (p. 2)
* "
And that

spirit (" that "should go without accent) • (p. 3) Awesome, awesome , amazing ... A devotee of Nietzsche writes adjective "Nietzschean / a" MAL EIGHT TIMES:

- (page 3)

* "Epicureanism Nietzschean" , and with no accent when it should be "Epicureanism Nietzschean"

- (p. . 7, note)

* "Nietzschean" again!

- (p. 9)

* "Nietzschean moral" - (p. 10) * "variants Nietzschean"

- (page 13 and note) * "disbelief Nietzschean"

- (p. 14) * "Nietzschean" again!

- (p. 16) * "Nietzschean death of God"

• (p. 4 et seq.) The title of Unamuno not

San Manuel Bueno Martir but San Manuel Bueno, Martyr (damages the retina!)

• (p. 4) You write twice " opera" without an accent!

• (note page. 4) The famous German publisher Walter de Gruyter is

and not " Gruyer " • (p. 11) escapes You Die " Frölich " Wissenschaft instead of " fröhliche " the "why

"is incorrect, you must go along"

why. " • (Note pg. 13) here shows that you have no idea pajolera German:

- Write " Wüste" in the plural, when in fact intend say " Wüste" in the singular.

- misspell "

" when " Wildnis die" - also misspell the title of Nietzsche . Not

"but" Dionysos Dithyramben " • (Note pg. 19) is not" liberal

ich "but" ich liebe "and put" Prodigal "without an accent. • (p. 21) " not only" when it should be "not only "


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